1.) Scary? How strange.

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The familiar air of pumpkin pie was encased inside the container as I opened my eyes. The cramped space allowing for little movement or investigation of my surroundings. I quickly realize I had lost my most important friend Pom-Pom.

"Pom-Pom? Where are you? I know you wouldn't leave me. Would you?"

I reach down, feeling the soft body of Pom-Pom, I gently pick Pom-Pom up and hug them. Giggling softly despite my own situation. I bring my hand out in front of me, hearing a loud voice.

"Hehe~! That uniform will be mine and I can finally attend this school!" The mysterious voice spoke. I listened closely to the sound of the voice.. a school? We were in a school? How strange..

Then, hot blue flames set fire to the box I was in. The lid popping off due to the intense flames. A smile spread across my face as I step out of the box, turning my head around to see the container. Snickering seeing it was just a coffin.

I turn my head back around to see who had freed me, only to be slightly taken aback to see.. a big cat. My surprise melting away as I approach the cat.

"Oh? It is you who has freed me? I just know we will be the best of friends, right Pom-Pom?" I spoke with a sickeningly sweet voice, but meaning every word I said. The cat's tail suddenly puffs up as a defense mechanism, I walk towards the cat as it walks backwards.

"S-Stay back! I've got flames and I'm not afraid to use them! Stay back human! I mean it!"

My smile never fades as I approach him once more, paying no heed to his words. I lean down and grab the cat with my other arm, gently squeezing him to keep him in place.

"My-oh-my, seems like we have a.. spicy friend Pom-Pom! What's your name kitty?" The words fall from my mouth like honey, adding to the creepy factor I give off. The cat surprisingly doesn't use any of it's flames anymore, giving up nearly instantly.

"Hah! How dare you hold the Great Grim-sama like a cat! I am not a cat!"

I nod my head, walking out of the room filled with coffins. Curious to my whereabouts.

"Well then Great Grim-sama, where are we? And it seems as though you not being a cat is correct, cats don't talk." I leave him a bit surprised at having no reluctance to call him by what he wished. I see a small frown forming on his face.

"Well scary pumpkin lady, we are at a school called Night Raven College! Where the Great Grim-sama will attend school!"

I smile once more, pleased at the information given. Pom-Pom seems quite pleased at this too.

"Me and Pom-Pom are very pleased to know this. We thank you Great Grim-sama."

Then.. all of a sudden I hear a loud clacking sound. I quickly turn around to see a.. man in a bird mask? I look him up and down, seeing the whip in his hands.

"Now now.. never once have I had a student leave the gate before. Let alone the few women who attend! Come now child, we have a ceremony you must be at!" The bird man quickly said, trying to grab my wrist to take me with him to whatever this ceremony was. I pull my wrist back slightly, glaring slightly due to his stupidity.

"Don't touch me. Yet.. if you insist on my presence in this, ceremony, then I shall. Only if Pom-Pom thinks it's safe."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2023 ⏰

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