💌🩸~My hope in the dark.~🩸💌

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Request from reitokunn_ , thank you very much. 💕

Akito POV, btw!

I'm using she/her pronouns for Mizuki, since their pronouns are unknown. Sorry!


I have been selfish for all my entire life, thinking so low of myself, but still thinking that I was the best person alive. But when my eyes met those grey eyes of his, I was completely lost on that boy who hid his hopeless vision of the world. Sometimes, I notice how he zones out, his mind lost in thought. However, I couldn't think too much about it, since that bright smile of his illuminated my path, and made me notice how I was already good enough. I suppose that that made me think that everything would be okay, oh, how wrong I was.

I can't deny how my blood burned and my heartbeat stopped when I received those text messages. My eyes widened on the dinner table, and as much as my parents tried to ask me, I remained silent.

-'I'm sorry, I'm not in the condition to perform on Friday'-.

Some people think that listening to a person's tone on a text is something stupid, but those words, written on that little phone, sang depression and anxiety. For some reason, I could know how his phone was drowning in tears as those words were painfully written on the screen. The puzzle was, somehow, getting its pieces together, Toya's life was finally resonating on the corners of my mind and heart. He wasn't okay. I don't remember what thought flashed through my mind in that moment, but I grabbed my coat and ran until my legs couldn't handle it.

For years, I had only cared about my own survival and safety, I couldn't get myself to worry for anybody else. However, for the first time in my entire life, I actually feared about someone else's safety. I ran and ran, until my lungs were too tired to continue breathing, just as my legs. Now, I can only think that running with no destination was the dumbest thing that I could do, since I could have called him instead; but, on that moment, my mind couldn't think about anything else. Ena told me that it was, indeed, a normal situation; however, Toya would never miss any event, not my Toya. Rain drops started to fall on my face, and as soon as I felt them, I fell in my knees. I finally felt how I was falling to a hopeless void, I had to change his mind. Vivid BAD Squad made him happy, and I couldn't let him drown in his own glass of water. I opened his contact, calling him a thousand of times, which I knew that was probably worthless.

The rain stopped, or at least, that was what I thought until my head finally looked up. He was staring at me, holding an umbrella, the grey eyes that I loved met mine. I opened my mouth to speak, but what my heart and eyes told me didn't allowed me to let the words out: he looked so... drained. He had puffy eyes, but he still managed to give me a sincere smile.

What did I told you about going out this late at night?
—What... happened to you? —I asked, trying to catch my breath.
What are you doing here? Are you hurt?
—Answer my goddam question, Toya!
—Are you hurt, Akito?

He asked me once again, his expression changing completely when those words firmly went out of his mouth. I stared at him, and as soon as I did that, he smiled again. I knew Toya, I knew him more than he knew himself; and I could certainly tell that this wasn't him, something was terribly wrong. I don't know how or why, but I was worrying about his life. The last time that something like that happened was when I met him, and things almost ended up deadly badly. 

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