Chapter One.

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I sprint to a nearby alley while the tall object was behind me with a dagger in their hands. I ran into the wall, I was cornered. The tall object went closer — I shut my eyes wishing that someone would come and help me from this unknown object thats about to kill me at this moment,

as soon as I open my eyes I am in a field full of flowers and trees around me, I get up feeling scared and surprised, on the bright side, luckily I got teleported here quickly right before I could've died, on the other side, how do I get home I ask myself. I look around my surroundings, there was no one around, just me and a lot of trees and flowers everywhere til who knows what. I see a path and walk towards it and the scenery was beautiful, it was so quiet, peaceful and nice, the flowers danced with the light breeze of the wind, the birds chirped in the background, it was sunny and very warm and I liked it but I wondered to myself when and how I am gonna get home, it's probably miles away from here. I see a lake nearby and I ran to it, the water was clear and clean, the view was beautiful. "I wish my mom would see this, she'd love it." I say staring into the scenery.

I stare into the scenery and kick pebbles into the water, I was about to kick another pebble until I hear something breathing behind me, my stomach sank, my heart rate went up, I quickly turned to look but there was nothing there, I slowly get up and raise my wings and look around, I sigh and continue on my lonely journey, it was almost sundown and I needed to find a place to stay before it gets dark outside. I continued walking down the path, as I walked I felt more aware of my surroundings than before, I felt like something or someone was gonna attack me any moment. I saw a small cabin after what seemed like hours, I sprinted to the cabin. I was hesitant to open the door for a moment but it was sunset, so I opened it anyway, I sigh and look around the cabin, there was a little couch, a bed, and some other furniture, it looked cozy. I was about to sit on the couch to rest but I heard someone talking outside the cabin and they were about to open the door, I panicked and hid underneath the bed, I hid my wings and closed my eyes, hoping that the door doesn't open.

The unknown object opened the door, I cursed under my breath and I started to slightly shake. The unknown object was big enough to possibly kill me, I was about to escape quickly but I tripped over something, I panicked and started scrambling to the door, the unknown object glared at me with no expression on their face, I accidentally glanced back at them and I immediately started crying as I tried opening the door lock and the unknown object picked me up, "Hey, hey, calm down. I am not going to hurt you!" The object said worried, I stop crying and started kicking them "Okay, don't do that." They put me down and they couched down to take a better look at me, I glance at them and started panicking, the object picked me up again and said "It's okay! I ain't going to hurt you!" I stopped crying and took deep breaths and shakily said okay. The object was a willow tree but he was quite small for one, he introduced himself to me, his name was Meadow, he lived here for a few years and this cabin is his home. Meadow took me outside and asked me questions. "So, what's your name? I told you my name first now it's your turn!" I stare at him and look at the lake "It's Starlette." He stared at me and smiled "Well, hello Starlette!" I slightly smiled back and we talked for a few minutes about what happened before we both got here.

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TIME SKIP ✩ ˖ ˙ ﹒✦ ˙

It has been half a year, I stayed at Meadow's cabin, Meadow treated me like his own friend, It made me sad that I'll probably won't see my family and friends any time soon. I was eating supper till Meadow said "Star! I am going out to get wood and some berries!" He yelled while he was opening the door "Okay! Stay safe!" I yell back and continue eating my supper.

Meadow's POV.

I closed the door and sighed heavily, I grabbed my axe and lantern and headed out to the trees and started cutting them down. I looked around and noticed something glowing, it wasn't the cabin's light or anything, it glowed brighter and started going closer, I started rushing and panicking to cut down the trees, I quickly grabbed the berries and ran back to the cabin, I opened the door to see Starlette laying on the floor drawing, he looks up "Hey, you okay? You look like you saw a ghost dude!" He laughed and I stared at him annoyed "Yeah, yeah, laugh at me" I stare at him intensely and we both burst out laughing and I brushed off what happened back over there, I pulled out a basket of berries and showed Starlette, he looked and greedily grabbed a handful of berries "Hey! You didn't ask to have one!" I yelled "Well, too bad! I already ate it!" He said teasingly "And don't talk with your mouth full! You're going to choke!" I yelled, after he finished he went to sleep quickly. I sat on the couch thinking about that glowing strange orb, I thought about it for a while and glanced at the clock, it was 2:26 AM and I looked at my bed, I was hesitant for a bit but I gave in and fell asleep.


Starlette's POV.

I wake up by the sound of the birds and the smell of fresh flowers, I slowly got up to see Meadow in the kitchen cooking breakfast, he turned around "Oh you're awake, I am making breakfast!" he smiled and turned back to cooking. I yawn and walk to the door "I'm going outside!" I exclaimed as I opened the door and sprinted outside towards to the flower field that's near the cabin, I drop and roll into the field, rolling over on some flowers, I get up making sure I didn't hurt my wings, I didn't.

I look around, it was quiet, the birds were chirping with the wind, the trees and grass swayed calmly with the soft wind, the sun was bright and warm, it was perfect. I heard a scream and quickly got up and froze in fear, I saw a large dark figure with a dark mist around it. It smelt like a dead body, it started growing bigger and bigger, as it grew bigger the bones and organs started growing out of the body, I saw it's heart pumping and it's bones cracking and popping, the bones and organs fell to the ground, blood was all over the grass and flowers, everything was bloody and looked dead, I started walking to it til I heard someone talking to me, I quickly snapped out of it and turned around, it was Meadow. "Hey dude, you alright? You've been looking into the distance for a long time." He asked me worried about me "Oh yeah, I'm fine." I say scared "Oh thank god." He grabs my hand as I stare at him for a moment and look behind me and I saw that dark figure, this time it had a face, it was distorted, bloody, and it's eyes were long and bulging out of the eye-socket, blood was flowing under the eye.

We arrived at the cabin, it was cold and dark outside as we were walking. Meadow stared at me "You tired?" "Yeah, I guess." I say with no emotion, he sighs and throws the wood into the fireplace and fixes the beds. We walk to our own beds and lay down, I stare at the ceiling as I get more paranoid about what happened in the field. I close my eyes and I start seeing that figure again but it was even more distorted and disfigured, I was bloody and my eye and left wing was tore off, I scream in pain and get on my knees and tremble, the pain was unbearable and it felt like I was getting tore apart alive, I quickly get up scared and I started crying, Meadow saw me and knew I had a nightmare "Hey, hey, hey, calm down, it's just a nightmare, don't worry, I am here." He started comforting me "My.. my left wing and eye got torn off, it felt real." He stared at me and just said that I can sleep with him tonight, I said okay and went to bed. I felt embarrassed that I had to sleep with him. It was morning and I woke up alone in bed and he wasn't here, he left a note on the table.
It said "Sorry Stary! I'll be out today, I am getting food and some other stuff! from Meadow". I roll my eyes and sit at the couch and ate breakfast that he left for me.

end of chapter one 🙏🙏 (pls dont bully me for my grammar and stuff 😞😞 im just a lil guy)

chapter two coming out soon ... (1/1/24)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2023 ⏰

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