A person near to you wishes to admit their apprehension...

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My beloved reader, if you have been chosen to read this letter today, it signifies that your celestial guides have a crucial message for you. A person near to you wishes to admit their apprehension about your actions and the way you triumphed over considerable adversity. Darkness.

The celestial guides whisper; 

indeed, entities of malevolence take on various forms, including humans. The mind serves as a conduit for consciousness, which permeates all living entities. There exists a dichotomy of light and darkness in all things, giving rise to the concepts of Angel and Demon. Our species, while possibly more intelligent, can descend or devolve in consciousness, allowing lower energies to infiltrate. The existence of demonic energy is undeniable, and anything that is harmful and counterproductive to our souls can be perceived as diabolical. 

By embodying such radiance, coupled with your steadfast commitment to integrity and a divine lifestyle, you have triumphed over a legion of demons. Individuals not living in alignment with a higher truth were in your proximity or aware of you. These individuals were toxic, having neglected to address their wounds or acknowledge the reality of shadow work at all. Through your naivety and innocence, you allowed these individuals to get close to you, either in person or online via social media. Even shared friends and acquaintances without boundaries could have been detrimental to you. There was minimal to no authenticity in this group or entity, and everyone was tormented by demons, their unhealed and wounded shadows.

I reiterate;

A person close to you desires to reveal their unease about your actions and how you managed to conquer so much darkness. The darkness of others, your own shadows, or collective misdeeds. You wielded the sword of Archangel Michael with strength, akin to a formidable warrior. You are among the rare souls who had the courage to confront the world's darkness, both in others and on a collective level. 

We all have profound pain, trauma, and wounds to confront, it's part of the human journey. Yet, not everyone is capable or willing to confront their shadows. Some people prefer to stay in toxic cycles and chapters, repeating the same narratives day after day until it becomes their timeline. Regrettably, we become similar to the people we spend the most time with. These individuals were enslaving you, trapping you, and addicting you to their web of deceit and lies. These individuals, or at least the perpetrators, the leaders, were venomous. 

They had numerous addictions, unhealed wounds, and destructive shadow attributes still in play. You were connected to this group in some way, whether you were aware of it or not. You may have been around them physically, being part of the same or connected professional entity, or being involved in their online community. Your energy was undoubtedly intertwined with theirs in some form or manner. Fortunately, you escaped, you broke free, like the devil card in the tarot. There was a controlling person or force keeping you bound through chains, manipulation, poison, toxic falls, and follies, jealousy, spite, deep-seated hatred, fear. 

There were many demonic forces circulating round and round, and you overcame them, thus aiding others to do the same. You are likely unaware of this Rainbow Warrior, however, your escape or illumination sparked other people's enlightenment. Your ascension assisted others in finding the light within and around, and therefore breaking free of their toxic mindsets and behaviors. Repetitive cycles were released, destruction was replaced with creation, with creative life force, inspiration, and healing. 

You were the catalyst. One person, in particular, has a confession, they were secretly inspired by you all along, watching and listening silently in the background. They observed your true energy, your real essence. It may have been momentarily lost, repressed, or diluted due to the social illusion, but they saw you. They learned a lot and began to send you positive thoughts as well as healing energy. As much as you were helping them, they were also helping you. Your light inspired this person so much that they started to mimic you, copying you in a motivational way.

 They wanted to be free in the same way they witnessed you becoming free. There were likely times you didn't even realize what was occurring, however, they saw the situation unravel. They had a front seat view of the diabolic energies and toxic characters you were defeating. It could have been a simple smile, a moment of distance, becoming mystical instead of analytical, or pondering into space. It could have been body language that said something doesn't feel right here, or I don't mind being seen as a bit emotional or spacey. Relying solely on the rational mind can create separation, as there's more to life than logic, reasoning, and analysis. Moreover, we succumb to illusions when we only use one body. We have an instinctive physical body, a spiritual body, and an emotional body too. 

You started to feel with your senses, instincts, and heart. Yes, you used discernment, you were rational and observant as well, but you weren't bound to the lower mind or ego, therefore, you began the process of escaping its traps. The demonic people who enticed and others weren't interested in healing or evolving, so they remained bound to their own illusions.

This individual, who has a confession, found themselves straddling the line between light and darkness for a time. Interestingly, they were fully cognizant that you were a beacon of light, but they found themselves unable to express this to you. They were filled with anxiety, knowing that acknowledging this would shatter illusions, disrupt friendships, and dismantle social circles, especially if professional relationships were involved. Your light, truth, and integrity posed a threat to the person or entity causing chaos. 

A tower moment in life is seldom easy, though it often leads to our greatest growth. This person, who has a confession and still harbors some anxiety, was instinctively aware that spreading your wings and flying free for good, for real, would compel them to initiate genuine change. Let's be honest, even the best of us sometimes cling to our false narratives. The ego doesn't take kindly to being told it's wrong or that it's been supporting malevolent individuals. You ignited a new narrative in this person's life, initiating entirely new timelines and chapters. 

This person made significant life changes, such as moving home, changing careers, or leaving a long-term partnership. Your light and integrity were so potent that you helped them shift at a DNA level. Indeed, you sparked profound change in them, affecting their dietary lifestyle and ancestral patterns. They completely transformed their life based on your shift. So, if you ever find yourself doubting, feeling low, or momentarily entering into a state of darkness, remember this: you are incredibly powerful. Committing to a higher truth in any way serves as divine assistance to the forces of light. 

When you make positive changes, ripples spread throughout the universe, initiating positive change in others on an individual level, as well as on a global and planetary scale. You are the microcosm within the macrocosm, and each affects the other. As for this person, they want to express their gratitude to you, but they might not have the physical means to do so. Consider reopening communication channels if you've established some healthy boundaries recently.

"As we reflect, let us embrace this prayer''

Dear Divine, we raise up the one who has braved the profound darkness and emerged as a shining beacon of light. Their journey, though fraught with challenges, stands as a testament to their steadfast commitment to integrity and a divine way of life. We beseech you to continue guiding and safeguarding them on their path, endowing them with the fortitude to instigate genuine change and embrace the loftier truth. May their luminosity inspire transformation in others and bless them with the understanding that they are cherished and shielded by the cosmos. ''May so be it.''

''Take a moment to allow these sentiments to resonate with your spirit. Remember, you are cherished and shielded by the vast universe."

In the comment section below please Enter '777' to embrace this message and its blessings as your own. Share and uplifting comment for other readers who may seek a surge of positivity. Such acts are viewed by the cosmos as gestures of kindness, enhancing the flow of positive karma. By spreading joy and positivity, you invite the universe's blessings in return. Together, let's elevate one another and generate ripples of benevolent energy.

"A significant message is poised for you in the forthcoming letter. Are you prepared to receive it at next part?"

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