-The Mall And Ziggy-

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                                         Tae's POV

Joon: well he has spending a lot of time at Jimin and Jk's apartments lately, maybe check there...

Tae: *walking away* Will do, thanks Hyung

Joon: *closing the door* mmm *in mind* what does he want from Ziggy? *shrugs* Eh who cares

Author: Tae had made his way to Jk's apartment, he'd knocked on the door but nobody was home, next he tried Jimin's, and sure enough there they were, sitting at the coffee table in the lounge on the floor, they looked like they were plotting something but Tae just shrugged the suspicious activity right off...

Jimin: *Shocked to see Tae at the door* Uh, Hi hyung...

Tae: mmm Hi *gently pushes Jimin to the side* There you are *runs to Ziggy*

Ziggy: me?

Tae: yes you...

Ziggy: what do you want from me?

Tae: I want you to... *realises that Jk and Jimin are here* uhh...I want you to stop by my place... like right now...

Ziggy: and why would I do that *raises the spot on his face where there would be an eyebrow if he wasn't a lizard*

Tae: *thinks of a lie* y'know, we haven't caught up in a while, I thought maybe we could have lunch or something...

Ziggy: Lunch? Catch up? The last time you fed me you forgot the yellow radish... and since when are you and I close enough to "catch up"?

Tae: you see I realised last night that you and I have had a rocky relationship these past 2 years, so I thought we could start a fresh...

Ziggy: sounds good... it's just sus that it's out of the blue... but whatever, I'll be there in 10mins

Tae: *claps his hands together* great... I'll get going then, see you soon... *to Jimin and Jk* bye guys *leaves*

Ziggy's POV

Jk: he didn't even invite us over for lunch...

Jimin: I know right... terrible, *to Ziggy* what does he want with you anyway, he thinks you're a freak...

Ziggy: I know right... if I don't come out in 30 minutes, then get your gear boys, it could be a fight or flight situation...

Jimin and Jk: Yes sir *salute*

Tae's POV

Time skip 10mins

Tae: *hears a knock on the door* that must be him...

Author: Tae opened the door and looked down seeing Ziggy with his big belt/watch, you see, since Ziggy wanders around a lot Namjoon thought it would be a good idea to get him an Apple Watch, but since he's wrist is way too small, he figured it would make a stylish belt...

Ziggy: yes? You summoned...

Tae: *faking his kindness* welcome in Ziggy...

Ziggy: *in mind* he's defiantly trying to get something outta me...

Tae: would you like a spring roll? *holds the plate out to Ziggy*

Ziggy: did you make them yourself?

Tae: yes of course

Ziggy: then no thanks *pushes the plate away with his index finger*

Tae: hmph... I'm sure they don't taste that bad *bites one* nevermind *tosses them all into the bin*

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