-The Airport-

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                                       Y/N's POV

Timeskip 5 days

Clare: *walks into your room banging two frying pans together* WAKE UP SLEEPY HEAD! GET OUTTA BED!

Y/N: *gets the fright of your life* WHAT! *slowly looks at Clare with a few moments of silence* What the hell is wrong with you... It's Saturday for goodness sake, *looks at the clock on the wall* and it's only FREAKING 8 AM...*pauses as you notice something* wait...why are you not in your pyjamas?

Clare: it's 8... so that gives us about... uhhh... 45mins...

Y/N: 45mins? For what?

Clare: Jimjim is coming home today from Japan, the plane will land in 45mins... *gets a bit excited*

Author: Clare calls Jimin "Jimjim"... in fact, there are so many nicknames that she has for him...I won't even bother to type them all out...

Y/N: *puts your head back on your pillow and closes your eyes* So? What does that have to do with me?

Clare: did you forget that they all went and that Tae is on the plane too?

Y/N:  Jumps up* wait... what's the date?

Clare: it's the 9th...

Y/N: and when does the plane land?

Clare: at 9 am

Y/N: and it's like a 30-minute drive to the airport...

Clare: exactly my point... so get your lazy ass up so we can leave...

Y/N: *scurries over to her closet to get some clothes*

Clare: what are you doing?

Y/N: what does it look like I'm doing? I'm getting clothes so I can go and shower...

Clare: ARE YOU CRAZY? We don't have time for that... I mean look at the traffic outside... *draws back the curtain and gestures to the traffic*

Y/N: uhh... ok ok... I'll just brush my teeth then... *quickly brushes teeth*

Timeskip 3mins

Clare: are you done yet?

Y/N: *Zooms out of the bathroom still in your PJs* let's go...

Timeskip 42mins

Author: The both of you made it to the airport just in time for their arrival... And there they were... and yes, you are standing at the airport in your pyjamas

Y/N: *sees Tae and starts waving rapidly with a huge smile on your face*

Tae's POV

Tae: *in mind* there she is... my world *waves back rapidly with an even bigger smile*

Jimin: *to Tae* can the two of you just not act cringey in public...

Jungkook: *to Jimin* honestly hyung... you have no right to say that. You and Clare 누나 (Noona) are even worse... I mean, I'm surprised she didn't jump on you as soon as she saw you...

Jimin: *gets tackled by someone*

Jungkook: I spoke too soon...

Clare: *on the floor with Jimin* JIMMI!!!

Jimin: Clare!

Clare: I missed you so much...

Jimin: I missed you even more...

Tae: *looks at Jimin* you were saying? *sassy eyebrow raise*

Jimin: *to Tae* shut up...

Author: You just ignored Jimin and Clare's clown show and calmly walked over to Tae...

Y/N: I missed you... *hugs Tae*

Tae: I bet I missed you more... *silence as you both enjoy the moment* I do have a question though... *pulls you out of a hug and holds your arms at your side* are you wearing pyjamas at the airport?

Y/N: *enthusiastic nod* I didn't have enough time to shower *chuckles*

Tae: then we're just going to have to walk around like this *turns your back to face him and crosses his arms over your shoulder to shoulder*

Author: He hugged you with his arms across your chest...

Y/N: *while walking with Tae hugging you like that* what are you doing?

Tae: I don't want everyone in the airport to see my girlfriend in her pyjamas...

Y/N: Always overreacting... tsk *eye roll*

Tae: me? Overreacting? why don't we turn back time to two months ago when I had that award show... you were the one whining and saying that I should wear an ugly suit because the one that I had on made me look irresistible, and that girls would be falling at my feet... so what did you do... hmmm?

Y/N: *in a quiet guilty voice* I made you wear a clinical mask...

Tae: *chuckle, sigh* the things I do for you...

Y/N: *chuckle* you mean the things we do for each other...

Tae: *pecks the crown of your head* mmm... the things we do for each other...

Author: you all arrived at the apartment building, and Tae was tired from the flight and the endless schedule they had in Japan... so he decided to get some rest in his apartment while you were planning a surprise dinner for Tae... he'd been in Japan for about a week and all his meals were take out during his stay there, so you thought a nice home cooked meal would be just what he needed... you got to cooking but the problem was that you could really only cook the popular stuff like Pasta or Ramen, maybe you could manage a soup, but you wanted to make him an authentic Korean-styled dinner...

We'll see if your cooking skills are expertise enough to handle such a task in the next chapter, Don't forget to vote and comment

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