Our July in the Rain

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June 26


Something interesting happened  


I was out shopping in Manchester, and just as I sat down at the bus stop, someone recognised me from YouTube. He was a boy, probably a few years younger than me, and he came up and asked for a hug. It was sort of weird, Journal, as it was the first time anyone has recognised me from YouTube. I didn't know how to react.

The light breeze swished my hair around pleasantly as I exited the pizza shop I was just in, hands full of new games, socks and hair products. The weather was the nicest it had been in a long time, so I decided to take the opportunity to get out and about, do some much needed shopping.

By the looks of how empty my wallet was though, I was done shopping for the day, so I texted my mum to unlock the front door and started my short journey towards the bus stop.

It wasn't a very busy day in Manchester today. There were a few couples milling about the benches, some elderly people out soaking up the rare, warm sun, and some lost looking tourists.

I liked to go out sometimes and look at the people around, see their happiness. It could always make me feel better to see little kids playing when I was having a bad day.

It was no time before I got to the bus stop. I still had a few minutes before the bus would arrive, so I put my shopping bags down on the bench and sat next to them. I was about to get out my phone again, maybe to play Temple Run or something, when I heard someone call out;


I whipped my head around, looking for the man who'd just called for me.


I faced forward again and was surprised to see a tall, tan guy standing in front of me. I stood up so I wasn't looking directly at his crotch while speaking to him.

"Yes, that's me." That's when it clicked that he'd used my YouTube name. I looked a little closer at this boy's face and my jaw dropped. I knew him! He always posts on my DailyBooth pictures! So many questions started running through my mind.

Does he live around here? Did he come here to find me, since I posted on Twitter I was coming here today? Is he even a big fan?

My train of thought was interrupted when he spoke again. "I know you from YouTube! I love the interactive space adventure you did!" The boy shifted from foot to foot, in what I could only assume to be excitement. Excited to meet me? Surely not... I'm not even that big on YouTube....

"Thanks so much! I don't know your name though... I recognise you from DailyBooth! Um...Don't tell me..."


I gave Dan an exasperated look, but smiled. Just then, my bus arrived. A few people around me waiting at the bus stop jumped on, and I had to go too. I almost felt bad to leave Dan.

"Well, Dan, this is where I leave. What's your Twitter name? I'll follow you!"

Dan wrote his Twitter name on my arm and, unexpectedly, wrapped me up in a hug. He let go too quick for me to hug back, and raced away, so I grabbed my shopping in shock and jumped on the bus before it could drive away.

I followed Dan on Twitter, and I messaged him via DailyBooth when I got home, telling him thanks for making my day. Journal, to be honest, I really hope I see him again.


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