June 29

358 15 5

June 29


I skyped with Dan today, and I found out a lot more about him. He seems so awesome, and he is actually interested in knowing me and getting closer to me. I thought you were the only one I could tell personal stuff to, Journal, but Dan listens just like you do. I know we'll be good friends. He told me about himself, too.

"Hey, Dan!" I greeted, as soon as the ringtone had stopped. He was sitting on his black and white bedspread in pj pants and a loose t-shirt, but what surprised me was his hair. It was so curly! When I saw him at the bus stop, and in his Daily Booths, he had straightened his hair! His curly hair was so cute.

"Hey, Phil." Dan seemed really nervous. He was playing with his curly hair, and he kept shifting around and messing up his nicely made bed. I tried to think of something to say to get rid of the awkwardness, but Dan beat me to it.

"So did your mum like the socks?"

I looked at Dan's face grow redder, and wondered what on earth that meant. Socks? My mum?

"The other day when I saw you at the bus stop... You had some purple socks with pink stripes. It's the only thing I could think of...?"

I burst out into laughter. That was the funniest way to start a conversation! "Excuse me, Dan! I bought those socks for myself!" I lifted up one of my legs and flashed the purple and pink striped sock at the camera. "I think they are stylish."

Dan started laughing too, and showed me his snowman covered blue socks and we spent a while having a sock fashion parade. I hadn't laughed so much with anyone for a long time, besides my mum. It was nice to have someone to talk to.

"When are you coming out to Manchester again?" Dan asked sheepishly, after all our laughing had been done. "Do you live around here?"

I nodded. "All my life. What about you?"

Dan nodded too. "I moved here not too long ago."

"Well since we both live around here we should do something soon."

Dan's eyes widened a bit, and it took a while for him to respond. "I- Really? I mean yeah! We should! What do you think we should do?"

I thought for a moment. What would be a good first outing with a new friend? The only thing that came to mind at first was cinema.... But wait!

"You said you're new around here? Why don't I show you around Manchester? I know the place like I know my own bathroom."

Dan hesitated for a little while. He was still bright red. I really didn't understand his reactions, he seemed so nervous to be talking to me. "Just us?"


"Just me and you?"

I blinked a few times, confused. "Yeah! Why?"

Dan shook his head, his eyes getting bigger again. "No reason! That sounds great! Do I need to bring anything in particular? How late do you think we will be out? When will we even do th-"

I cut Dan's blabbering off by holding up my hand. "Slow down Dan! I'll answer all your questions one by one!" A smile slipped on to my face as Dan turned red again. He does that a lot. I wonder if it's just around me...?

"So, we should probably do this on a weekend, because I go to university and I stay at my mums on the weekend, if that sounds good to you?" Dan nodded in agreement, seeming to be bursting with something to say. He didn't say anything so I continued.

"I don't think you'll need anything, we probably won't do anything super important or exciting, I'll just show you the important places and we'll eat! And...oh... now that I think about it, it might be better to do this in a few days, when I have a week break from uni..."

"You have a week break from uni? That makes things easier!" Whatever Dan wanted to say before, suddenly disappeared from his mind and I raised an eyebrow, but continued.

"Like I was saying, since I have the week off, and we'll probably be out in Manchester until really late I wouldn't want to be rude and take you back home at a bad hour, so you could always just come back to mine?"

Dan looked very uncomfortable at this suggestion. "Oh.."

I mentally face palmed. Phil, you idiot, you've barely known this guy for a day! And now you're just inviting him into your house, where your mum lives! Still... He didn't seem like a criminal or anything. Dan seemed like he belonged to a pretty good family from what he could tell. He wore nice clothes.

"Well, that was just a suggestion. We can always just do a day trip another time-"

"No, let's do that idea." Dan interrupted, seeming sure of himself. "It makes more sense to do it that way! I'm excited now!" A wide grin spread across Dan's face, which in turn made me smile too. I was already looking forward to this day out with my first friend.

So me and Dan are meeting up in two days at the end of my street. I have a lot of awesome, fun stuff we can do planned. I really hope he has fun with me, because I like him a lot so far. I think we will be best friends.


* * *

Sorry this one dragged on guys! I needed to get the details down, though <3


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