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"Onward! Onward! Up the enemies' moat we go! A new land we keep for our own today! Onward! Onward! The general's home we lead astray!”

The five children chanted and sang as they marched. Across the green field, down the hill which was home to the church, into the Panini woods... Frankly they just hadn't decided where exactly this general's home was that they were going to seige.

Finland stopped when they were halfway across the bridge. She turned around dramatically, gestured wildly around with her hands without saying a word then suddenly did a salute and faced her comrades who all bore what would have been called a grave look, if it didn't look so comical on their smooth, chubby faces.

But before Fin could say a word in address of her tiny army, Bordie, bringing up the rear of the line, despite being the youngest and littlest, let out a cry that wasn't little at all.
   With her ancient 'spellbook' which she never let out of her sight clutched tightly under her arm, she leaned – well more like threw herself – over the bridge pointing and laugh-screaming with delight at the river.

"Wha– what the–?" Fin stuttered as control of her army slipped out of her hands like the little fish the other four were screaming and laughing in delight at.

A slightly large school of red herrings were making a colourful and speedy journey across the river and it suddenly became one of those moments of utter, simple delight at the little nothings of life.
   Finland gave in and joined them, watching the fish with a small smile on her face.

As the last of them went off she turned and declared,
"Tomorrow morning we fish here!"

"Woohoo!" The three boys whooped, dancing foolishly. Even Eden, the really tiny one who was lucky he was an inch taller than Bordie because as it was the others barely let him live it down that he was the same size as a four year old whereas he was six.

Bordie sighed and shook her head,
"I really don't know what's so special about maming fish."

"Maiming." Fin corrected and stepped forward to grab Bordie's free hand, tucking it under her arm and leading the way.
   And just like that, they were no longer soldiers going to avenge their land, but a group of elitist olden day socialites going to tea.

"Pray tell mon padre, how far along is ye cabin now?"
Winston chortled, adopting the most hilarious of accents in an attempt to sound 'fancy'.

"Why I dunno, it ought be just pass them trees, compadre!" Elgen chortled right back, in an equally hilarious arrangement of voice.

"Hum, hum, hum my fellow men," Eden squeaked, his nose in the air and his tiny hand adjusting his invisible eye piece, "Pardon moi, but I do so feel –"

"We have arriiiived!" Duchess Fin screeched, halting everyone just shy of seven feet from the cabin. Noses in the air, and eyes half closed as they were deep in character, no one had noticed when the cabin came into view.

"Now now motherrr, I must have nussin' but ze finest of fiiiine wines." Bordie stressed in the best and most hilarious – largely due to her still baby-ish voice – imitation of the accent these children were trying so hard to portray that everyone else first froze, staring at her, and then they burst into laughter. Rolling and chortling on the floor like banshees.

They soon laughed themselves into a coughing fit but when they rose up and saw Bordie grinning from ear to ear, they threw themselves right down again, laughing their bodies out for all they were worth.

As the laughter died down and they all reached for each other in that way that is so typical of humans when we're all excited together, there was a clink.

Fin gave a breathy laugh as she asked Elgen, the carrier of the round golden object that had just fallen out of his pocket:
"What is that?"

The others turned to him, their demeanour still jolly, and ready to laugh at the slightest provocation. Elgen steadied his breath and let out another small laugh as he picked it up.

"I– it's an ompass. Jo gave it to me."

"Oh I know it."

"You mean compass?"

Bordie and Finland respectively, quoted at the same time.

"Yep yep." Elgen nodded.

The others crawled toward Fin and Elgen, their eyes searching out the object.
Elgen slid it open to reveal the pointy arms and the brilliant clinkle of the venerable item.

"Mhmmm!" Finland clucked, snapping her fingers, "We gon' get 'em now for sure."

"Get who?" Elgen inquired raising his head from the prize.

"Cherry and Bonni." Bordie answered matter of factly.

"Wha–?" The three men of the group blustered, looking lost.

"I overhead Cherry talking about kissing Bonnito somewhere secret during the campfire." Finland whispered like a true gossip.

"Talking? Why I thought they'd 'a gone ahead and have done it by now." Winston exclaimed, quite surprised.

Eden nodded, then shook his head like a grandmother, in disapproval.
"Those two."

Bordie shrugged, balancing her spellbook on her head.

"So how is the ompass going to help us interrupt them?" Elgen giggled conspiratorially.

"Compassss. With a C." Fin corrected automatically, the wheels of her brain turning and her hand stroking her chin.

"You gotta admit though, ompass kinna sounds more cute. And chic." Winston shrugged.

Fin weighed it for a minute, then shrugged nodding, "You're right."

"Ommmpassss." Bordie whispered bending her book from side to side as it lay upon her head.

"The compass points people in the right direction."
Fin muttered still stroking her chin.

"Yes, yes, I've got it, I've got it!" Eden exclaimed abandoning his attempts at adjusting his invisible eye piece. "We let the ompass sniff Cherry and then it'll direct us to where she's gonna sneak Bonni off to!"

"Hmmm!" Winston and Finland nodded vigorously, pointing their fingers at Eden in a show of impress.

Bordie pursed her lips, her book tilted to the right, "I kinda think Bonnito is gonna be doing the sneaking off to."

"Eh it doesn't matter." Eden waved off, "We just gotta get an item of Cherry's."
Eden's face scrunched into a rendition of the mad Hatter's as he gave a very scary laugh, rubbing his hands together and nodding like a lizard.

"Uh it kinna does.." Elgen muttered fiddling with the compass chain.

"And I think I got the item part coverrred." And it was Fin's turn to look sinister and mad. She rubbed her hands together furiously as Bordie let her book slide down her head into her right hand, a very mischievous smile on her baby face.

Winston poked Elgen when he noticed Bordie's smile. Elgen blanked out. It was an uh-oh.
   When Eden finally got around to noticing the situation around him – especially the two girls chortling and smiling like serial killers in their hideouts – his hand shook. Then he gulped and crossed his arms over his legs, scooting closer to the other males. Cherry and Bonnito were in trouble tomorrow night.


And from narrator to reader, let me just say, that trouble is whether or not the compass does point them in the lovebirds' direction.


Good evening, morning, night or afternoon ✨

You look lovely today 😍

Say hi to love for me ❤️
Yes, that love in your heart, say hi to him/her for me 🥺🤩❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2023 ⏰

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