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"Yes mom?"
"Come downstairs we have something to talk about"

Beomgyu quickly got off of his bed and went downstairs immediately when he saw his mom and dad sitting on the dining table

Beomgyu's mom and dad both were a successful buisness workers respectively. Their company was well know in Korea.

"Yes mom and dad"

"Beomgyu you are already 22 years old and we have been really worried about you lately so we decided to arrange your marriage with a successful businessman just like us" his mom stated

"Yes he is also quite famous here in Korea...and we want you to agree with this marriage without any arguments" his dad stated almost in a stunt tone.

"But dad, mom i am still young to marry someone and I don't even know him!!?" Beomgyu was furious and almost was refusing to believe what his parents are forcing him to do.

"Beomgyu we were still disappointed when you came out as gay but we still agreed to you and supported you but now it's your turn to respect our decision and do not disappoint us again"...
After a deep pause
"And you are marrying him next week no arguments"  his parents stated.

Beomgyu was still in disbelief he got up and went back to his room without saying a word and cried the night away.

Time skip
(Next week)

Today is the day he will be meeting well marrying his husband he found out that his name is "choi yeonjun" beomgyu was trying to be optimistic about him but still negative thoughts entered his mind as what if he is an asshole or a total idiot
He stared infront of the mirror for what almost felt like an hour until he heard a voice call him.

"Mr. Beomgyu are you ready? It's time to go.."

Beomgyu felt a sudden nervousness all over his body but still manage to give a nod.

When he was walking with his arms interwined with his dad towards the main stage he could only see the back of his fiance and not his face. He got more and more curious every second...he was only halfway done the walking when his fiancee turned back to see Beomgyu

They both had an eye contact.

Beomgyu was shocked and so speechless by the mesmerizing beautiful features of yeonjun's face.
Being tall and plus he had that handsome auraa...he focused into his eyes where he realised that he had fierced foxy eyes which was ngl way to sexy to not sink and drown in them.

Whereas yeonjun was totally speechless himself...he didn't like the idea of marrying since he was only 25 but the angelic appearance of his soon to be husband's changed his mind in an instant...he got totally lost into the sight of that pretty boy infornt of him.

And now suddenly they both were not too mad about this marriage...but it will be wrong if we say they were totally fine with it...because they both had a little doubt about eachothers personality.

Time skip

"....I do" was the last word heard from beomgyu when Cheers and claps were filled all over the place. But for some reason they were both still looking into each other's eyes wanting to atleast know something about each other. As if their eyes will talk for them and do all the job of getting to know each other.

When the crowd shut down. their eyes widened

"Now you both may kiss"

Let's just say they thought the marriage was quite easy since they both forget about this ritual of kissing. And so now beomgyu is here internally panicking about what to do and who should take the first step and what If yeonjun didnt't want to kiss him since it was obvious as they first met today itself.

Beomgyu was completely lost until he felt soft plump lips onto his own touching his with passion. They kissed for half a minute until they parted.
And there it goes loud cheers and music all around the venue.

Beomgyu tried to act tough or atleast as if he didn't care much about the kiss but let's just say beomgyu was a bad actor cause his ears and cheeks were far from those lies. They were more truthful than tha latter himself. his reddish tone of skin didn't got unnoticed by Yeonjun and so he flashed a smile at beomgyu.

"Aww are you blushing??"  Yeonjun got close to the younger so that he can hear him better between the loud sounds of musics and cheers.

Beomgyu spoke trying not to blush anymore but failed obviously

Yeonjun just chuckled at that and said
" look very beautiful and pretty today"
Beomgyu got this compliment for the fifth time today but this coming from yeonjun's, this handsome man, his now husband felt good

"I could say the same for you"
Beomgyu said smiling and making the  older whipped by his cute youthful appearance.

Time skip (I know i do this alot but I don't want to bore you guys so let's just imagine they did all those marriage Rituals)

"And this is our bedroom"
Yeonjun took beomgyu all around the places of his mansion like house and Lastly showed their shared bedroom.

"You can take rest...I will go to do some office work" for some reason beomgyu felt really scared with idea of sleeping here alone so he hasitated first but somehow managed to ask yeonjun to stay "yeonjun?"
"Uhh can you please....stay? Actually this place is new and I have issues with sleeping alone in a whole new place so please...?"
Beomgyu was trying hard to not to look needy so he was very much trying to explain his reasons.
Yeonjun noticed how hard the latter is trying to prove himself even though he don't have to.
" It's okay beomgyu you don't have to explain me...if you want me to stay I will...we are now married you can ask me about anything okay? Just Don't hesitate"

"Thank you so much are so sweet"
they both flashed a smile towards each other. When yeonjun got to the other side of the bed...he layed himself down and patted his arm for beomgyu to use it as a pillow. Even tho they both were shy... there was quite a comfortable environment between them.
They asked each other few questions and found out they were quite similar in terms of music taste, fashion and lifestyle.

Afterall the universe knew they were meant for eachother. For them it was all so sudden but for the universe it was all planned for a long time...and it already knew that after few more weeks they are going to end up in a couch of thier house cuddling, snuggling onto eachother With a movie on but neither paying attention to that as they are now busy with their heavy makeout session just like beomgyu is sitting on yeonjun's lap with his hands around the older's neck and yeonjun's hand around the younger's waist with his other hand under beomgyu's shirt creasing the soft skin.

And this is how they grew from a total strangers to someone they can't live without.


Pheww I was so confused about this story.
Let me know how it was and also
You can give me ideas for my next chapter
Thank you so much <3

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