Naruto's Mission

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Kiba's POV-

This idiot is so desperate, I looked at Shino and whispered, "Hey, why don't we make him do something entertaining?" Shino shook his head, "No."

I pulled Shino away from Naruto, "C'mon! It'll be fun, he can be with Hinata at the end no matter what, promise, yeah?" Shino sighed, "Just don't let him look that much of an idiot."

I grinned, "Sure." We walked back to Naruto who was still on his knees, "Listen up! Cause I'm only saying this once."

Naruto nodded rapidly, "I'm hearing Dattebayo!" I nodded, "You have to run around the Village.." Naruto nodded, and I smirked, "Naked."

Naruto's face went full on red, "WHAT!? KIBA WHAT THE HELL??" Shino stepped in, "He's not doing that Kiba." I pouted, "I know, I know! I was kidding anyway.."

Naruto frowned, "Hurry! Times wasting!"

"Okay, okay! You have to..umm.. You have to go and tell everyone I invited to Hinata's surprise party that it's tomorrow not today." Naruto nodded and took off.

Shino stared in his direction. "What's up Shino? Is there something Akamaru hasn't sniffed?" Shino turned towards me, "He'll be back."

As if on queue, Naruto appeared right in front of us. "Woah Shino! You some kind of wizard?" Shino said nothing.

Naruto suddenly grabbed my shoulders, "Tell me, who did you invite to the party?!"

I looked at Shino, "Why ya always think of stuff before I do?!" Shino shrugged, I looked back at Naruto. "That's the catch, I invited the whole village."

Naruto sweatdropped, "YOU'RE KIDDING!!" I shook my head, "Nope." He started panicking until Shino came in with, "Naruto, you can use your shadow clones."

I looked at Shino about read to kill him, "SHINO, WHY'D YOU TELL HIM THAT?!" Shino shrugged, "Geez, what's with you putting on the cold shoulder today."

Naruto smiled and went to Shino, "Thanks man!" Were his last words before he did his 'MULTY SHADOW CLONE JUTSU!' Technique.

I shook my head, "At this rate he'll only take a few minutes, how much do you think Shino?" Shino watched Naruto disperse his clones throughout the Village, "10 minutes."

I laughed, "If only I could make as many clones."


Naruto's POV-

HAHAHA! That damn Kiba, thinking he can outsmart me!!

I knocked on a door, and knocked, and knocked, but no one came, so then I banged on the door, "LOOK, HINATAS PARTY IS CANCELLED, ITS TOMORROW NOT TODAY! OK BYE!" I sprinted to the next one and knocked.

This time, they did open, "Hey! Hinata's party is moved to tomorrow!"

The person looked at me with a weird expression, "Hyuuga Hinata?" I nodded, "YEP!" He gulped, "I'm..I'm invited to her party?!?!"

Now it was my turn to give him the weird expression, "What?! Weren't you invited already?!" He shook his head, "No? I was never invited but now I guess I am!" And He slammed the door in my face with a bright smile.

"KIBA YOU IDIOT!!" I facepalmed, "I SHOULD'VE KNOWN!!" I kept knocking on door anyway, it was part of the deal and I NEVER GO BACK ON MY WORD!

*12 minutes later*

"Damn...that...Kiba..he...only..invited..our..teammates.." I breathed, huffing in between each word.

GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR, my stomach growled. 'Stomach not now! I have to go get Hinata'!!

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