Chapter 2 Entering the Dungeon.

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As Y/n descended into the first floor of the dungeon, he felt a mixture of excitement and trepidation. The air was thick with anticipation as he took his first steps into the dark and mysterious labyrinth. The stone walls seemed to whisper ancient secrets, and every step echoed with a sense of foreboding.

The first floor appeared eerily quiet and seemingly empty, but Y/n couldn't shake the feeling that he was being watched. He cautiously moved forward, his senses on high alert, trying to detect any signs of danger. The sound of his own footsteps seemed to echo louder than they should, adding to the ominous atmosphere. As he continued exploring, Y/n noticed the remnants of past battles scattered around. Broken swords, discarded armour, and traces of the beast that he may encounter. The dangers that lurked within the dungeon's depths. It was a stark reminder that he was not the first, nor the last, to venture into this perilous place.

Despite the uneasy feeling, Y/n pressed on, determined to get stronger and he wasn't going to back down now. The desire to grow stronger and support Hestia in her quest for recognition fuelled his resolve. Every step brought him deeper into the darkness, and with each passing moment, the sense of being watched intensified. He couldn't shake the feeling that something was lurking in the shadows, waiting for the perfect moment to strike.

Just as Y/n was about to go deeper, he heard a faint rustling sound from behind. He instinctively readied himself for whatever might come his way. Drawing his sword as a chill ran down his spine, listening intently for any further signs of movement. But as he stood there, poised for action, nothing emerged from the darkness. The dungeon remained eerily silent once again. Perhaps it was just his imagination playing tricks on him, he thought, trying to quell the unease in his heart. But he knew it was not that it. His instincts react, dodging an attack from behind. Turning to face his new adversary, Y/n was met with a surprising sight.

A horde of green goblins started to surround him from all sides. "So, your plan is to outnumber me, huh?" Y/n says before smirking. "Then bring it on, 'Come Fourth!'" He says summoning Shade and the rest of his shadow soldiers. As the massacre begun, his shadows ponced and killed a lot of the goblins. But a downside to his army was the amount of magic he had. So, he had to be careful, but with the rate he was killing them and the amount of EXP he was getting he was levelling up fast. With every moment he could get he spent all of his points into increasing his magic pool. It was a struggle but, in the end, he was able to wipe out all of the monsters around him.

Y/n then looked towards all of the bodies littered around him and saw all of them emitting a dark aura, indicating he could revive all of them as his shadow soldiers. Holding his hand out he activated his Arise skill. "Arise~!" After which only a third worth of the corpses came back as shadows, roughly adding up to 134 Goblins in total. Their appearances changing to a mix of black and glowing purple. While they re-equip their weapons before merging into Y/n's shadow. After which Y/n was pleasantly surprised to see even though their bodies didn't 'pop' like in the anime. They still dropped their crystals and other drops. Collecting all the magic crystals and some other drops. None of them were of any importance but one thing did catch Y/n's eye.

Unidentified Ring (Broken): A Ring of unidentified origin, in its broken state it is useless. Find a master craftsmen to repair it and Identify it to see what it can do.

The ring was a rusted piece of metal, with the ring part being broken slightly and the gem being cracked and unrefined. Taking it, Y/n was unsure about who to take it too, Y/n didn't know any blacksmiths. The only ones he was aware off were Welf and Hephaestus. But Welf hated magical items, and Hephaestus crafts cost a fortune. So, Y/n had to either hope someone from Hephaestus Familia could do it or find someone else. But for now, he took the items and noticed a new quest popped up.

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