4. Until I see you again.

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They got into the car, and were silent during most of the ride. After about twenty minutes, he spoke.

"We're almost there." 

Juliette didn't know how to start a conversation with the man, but the silence was killing, so she did anyway. "How did you meet my mom?"

He seemed surprised she spoke, but replied softly; "We met during the battle of Sokovia. She was ..." He paused. "On the wrong side. So we helped her get on the right one."

She knew her mother was a part of Ultron's victory plan, and that she switched to help the Avengers when she realized she was wrong. But even after, people still hated her. She was too uncontrolled, they'd say. Too powerful. Juliette couldn't imagine what they would say about her if her powers were public. She decided she didn't want to know more. It hurt too much.

A few minutes later they pulled over and parked in front of an old building. It was only a few floors high, and didn't look very fancy. They walked to the door quickly, he was probably trying not to be seen. Of course, Juliette was too focused on herself to realize how easily recognizable Hawkeye was. So she was glad when they were inside in the hall. 

He clicked the buzzer, and said; "We're here, can you open the door?" She almost startled when a young female voice replied cheerily; "Yes! Bring her up!"

When they walked in the apartment, the first thing she thought was chaos. It was a very nice place, with two floors and an open staircase, but there were arrows everywhere. And a dog. 

Juliette practically sprinted to the golden retriever, and started petting him generously. He was very soft. The same voice from the buzzed sounded behind her; "That's Lucky. Saved him from getting run over, and now all he eats is pizza." She whirred around to find a tall, dark haired woman standing behind her.

"I'm Kate, it's nice to meet you, Juliette!" The beautiful woman, Kate, had a childlike grin on her face. She couldn't be too old, maybe in her twenties? Jule shook her outstretched hand, and took in the woman, or girl. "Nice to meet you too." She replied.

As if he could read her mind, Clint said; "This is Kate, she's twenty-three, and a huge pain in my ass. She practically begged to be my apprentice." Kate scoffed loudly, but didn't contradict him. Juliette realized then that Kate had already know her name. Carefully, she asked Clint; "How much have you told her about me?"

Clint simply said; "She knows who your mother is." He didn't say was, so maybe he didn't want to hurt her feelings.

Kate didn't take the hint, and just kept talking. "So you are almost eighteen, right? Because me and a friend of mine were thinking maybe we could start something, like a group." Clint immediately shook his head no, and told the girl; "Absolutely not. Not yet, at least." Kate ignored him and winked at Juliette. The two of them acted like family, like a father and daughter. 

Her mind jumped instantly to her own father. She wondered if she would ever have something like these two. Maybe her father was still alive, and just didn't know Juliette existed.

After the two had finished arguing on the subject of this group, Clint sighed and said; "Let's just get to the point, kid. And before you ask me if Kate should be here for this, she won't tell anyone." The 23-year-old turned to her and shook her head with a serious expression. Juliette believed them.

He continued; "I picked you up to ask you about your plans. You're almost eighteen, and soon you won't be dependent on anyone." He waited for her to speak.

Juliette started slowly. "Well, I'm waiting until I'm an adult, and then I'll get my own place in the city. So I won't have to hide anymore." She paused. She wasn't sure what else there was. Maybe she would join this team Kate had suggested. She could protect people much easier if she didn't have to lie to her host family all the time. 

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