10. Pleading, asking.

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Ana broke out of their hug, and told them she was going to get snacks. 

She told them, "If we're going to talk about this stuff, which seems like it's out of a movie, I'm going to treat it like a movie. I think we still have popcorn."

They laughed, and when Ana walked out the door, it left Juliette and Peter alone. Juliette could barely breathe when he turned to her. 

His eyes were such a beautiful brown, like dye swirling around in water. She could get lost in them, and she's call it a lovely demise.

He asked her something that pulled her away. "How long have you known? About ... me."

She smiled at his face, so close. "That you're Spider-Man?"

He blushed at that, shook at the sound of his secret on her tongue. He smiled back and nodded.

Her face fell, serious once again. "I'm sorry. I was so curious what you were thinking about, that I looked on purpose. I felt you think about me in the mask, at lunch Tuesday. Only Spider-Man had seen me in that mask."

He looked at her then, really looked. He could see her guilt. With a slight jolt, he must have remembered what else he was thinking about then. What else she had known since then. His feelings. 

With determination on his face, he framed her face with his hand. "I'm glad you know. If I ever would have told anyone, I would have told you."

She moved even closer to him. He told her, "I am yours, Juliette. You're the first person I think of when I wake up, and the last I think about before I fall asleep." He was smiling sheepishly as he said, "I love you."

She closed her eyes and let the words take up any empty space in her mind. She savored the sound of it, and when it was gone, she opened her eyes to him. "I love you too, Peter. I love you now, and I loved you before I knew you were Spider-Man."

With this, blushing furiously, he closed the distance between them and kissed her. 

She took him by his shirt and pulled them closer together. She felt his lips on hers, and it was perfect. It sent electricity through her veins, like it had done on that rooftop days ago. 

He started moving, pulling away and moving back to her upper lip. His lips were so soft as she joined him in their dance. His hand on her cheek gripped a little more demandingly, and she moved her other hand to his hair.

She made a few inches between them and pushed him softly against the wall beside her bed. They both sank down a bit and Juliette put her lips on his again. She sucked a little on his lower lip, then pushed against the same spot with her tongue. He groaned and moved until the two of them were upright against the wall. 

With an ungodly speed Peter flipped them around until she felt the wall against her back. He took her face with two hands and kissed her passionately. She rested her hands on his shoulders, her neck having to crane upwards because of their height difference. 

Her lips on his was all she could think about, all she could feel. He pulled back a tiny bit and she could hear his smile when he said, "You're so pretty, I could die."

She opened her eyes, smiling brighter than she might ever have, and looked at him. He was mesmerized by her. If she wouldn't have know otherwise, she would have thought he was watching a sunset from the top of the Empire State Building.

"You're very beautiful yourself, spider-boy," she said, grinning.

He kissed her again, just a soft brush against her lips. Their eyes both closed, he murmured, "I could do this forever." Juliette agreed.

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