13. Epilogue.

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She took a breath and opened her eyes on the intersection. Teleporting was easy enough, but if she was stressed she could end up in the wrong place. It had happened before. She wanted to get to an alley next to the bookstore, but ended up in the middle of a crowd nearly four blocks down because she was running late. Luckily none of the people saw her appear. 

Now, there was nobody to see her appear. It was way too silent on the road, and it freaked Juliette out. Nowhere in New York was this quiet. 

After Peter had left, she'd taken a second to put on her suit. Despite everybody knowing who she was, if she had to chase Agatha through the skies, she didn't want anybody to recognize her or take clear photos of her face. The suit felt nice, too. The mask -- still useless, because she had a recognition spell on her entire body -- gave her a sense of security. It made her feel more safe.

She looked around in her blood-colored outfit and saw nothing. Agatha was nowhere to be found. She sent her magic around street corners, into open windows. 

Juliette felt somebody on a roof to her right. She assumed that was Peter. A second later a whir sounded and she found her brother next to her. 

He spoke not too loud, "She's safe. She's pissed, but safe in her room." 

She looked at him, and he said, "Took a moment to look in your room, too. Almost didn't feel like it was yours. So adult."

"Well, that's what happens when you stay away for so long. I grow up." she said jokingly.

He looked a bit sad, but smiled. "I know." He looked her up and down, as if only now realizing she had become some sort of hero while he left. 

"I like your suit, by the way. Very original color." He grinned. "You should make one of those crown thingies, like mom used to wear for halloween."

"Absolutely not! I can't pull that off, I'll look like I'm trying to be some sort of fairy godmother."

"Yes you can, you make your own rules now. Plus, I bet your boyfriend would like it." At this he smirked again, and Juliette felt color rush to her cheeks.

"He's not my boyfriend, Marcus." was all she said, trying to contain herself. 

Her brother laughed, saying, "Ana told me to stay and watch for a second, but I told her we were in a hurry. As I looked over my shoulder, though, you guys seemed pretty intimate." 

Juliette's groan into her palm told him enough, and he let it go. Then they waited. Agatha was sure to come to them, because they had what she needed. But she wouldn't go down without a fight this time.

After a minute or two, Peter landed beside them. Marcus was staring at him as he walked towards Juliette, but she ignored him. He had no right to try and be a 'protective' brother now.

He rested his elbow on Juliette's shoulder and said, "You guys got here fast. Stupid magic advantages!" He ruffled her hair playfully, and she smiled up at him. 

She hated the waiting, so she sent out tendrils of magic again, desperately searching everywhere for the witch. There was still a presence on the roof, where Peter---

No, not Peter, he was right here.

As if sensing her awareness, Agatha stepped out onto the ledge. She was wearing her usual grin, and said, "Look who's joined us! Juliette, I didn't know you had a cousin."

Wait, what? He wasn't her cousin, he was her brother. "He's not my cousin, what are you talking about?" She had to raise her voice for it to reach all the way up to the roof. Her brother was just as confused beside her.

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