part 3

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A few days passed with no complaint, and bondon didn't seek Stephen despite his growing need to know if he was alright. Likewise, Stephen avoided him as much as possible.

Jack seemed to calm down, his spirits being lifted after a day or two. And when Stephen would visit him after supper nightly, they could hear their music across the ship. But Stephen always looked sad as he left Jack’s room.

One such night bondon waited behind a corner for Stephen to leave Jack's room. He wanted only to see him, but when Stephen emerged with his eyes downcast. He could not stop himself from stepping out into the hall.

"Doctor!" He whispered. Stephen turned, looking surprised.

Recognition sparked in his eyes as he saw the figure in the dark. He signaled for bondon to come along, and bondon silently crossed the distance.

He extended his hand towards Stephen, only to have Stephen recoil and anxiously glance back at Jack's door.

"Not here dear, come with me to my room." He nodded and followed closely behind.

Stephen entered his door and quickly let bondon in before locking it. Stephen's room felt cramped because of his experiments and collections.

Stephen settled into his cot and signaled for bondon to take a seat on his stool.

"Barrett. I-" he looked away from bondon and studied the ceiling.

"I've missed you something awful." Bondon said. Stephen returned his gaze, a small smile pulled at his thin lips.

"Have you? I've missed you as well, which is particular because I rarely miss people, so much as the activities I do with them." Now it was Bondons’ turn to be studied. Stephen's eyes were like two little fires on an inky sea.

Bondon smiled at him and moved his chair closer to Stephen Cot.

"Stephen, I feel I must say this now. Do you remember when you fell off that longboat a few weeks back?"

"Pray, it is all I think of some nights."

Stephen flushed at his own words when Bondon raised an eyebrow.

"I see. It's all I think about some nights as well," he ventured to stand.

Stephen watched his every move but made no objection.

Bondon laid a hand on Stephen Cot, studying him to make sure he was not wrong. He moved his other hand to Stephen's face and let his thumb run across his cheek.

To his surprise, Stephen sighed and leaned into his hand, bringing his own hand up to hold bondon’s to his face.

Bondon leaned back and grabbed his chair, pulling to forward so he could sit in front of Stephen.

Stephen's eyes slid closed.

Bondon gently laid his other hand on Stephen's bare neck, soothing small circles into the pale skin. Stephen's eyes remained closed, and his hand trembled on top of Bondon’s.

"Stephen." He breathed and let his hand move to Stephen's collar bones. He brushed his thumbed over the little dips there.

He wanted to undo Stephen's shirt to see all of him, to run his hands over the flat plains of his stomach, but he felt unsure that Stephen would allow it. Cautiously, he moved his hand down to the first bottom. He stopped there for a moment and looked at Stephen's face. His eyes were still closed, his breathing even.

Bondon unbuttoned the first button, Stephen's hand shot out, stopping Bondon in his tracks.

Bondon gasped and pulled back, standing up clumsily knocking into Stephen’s legs

"I'm sorry, Barrett, it's just I'm not -"

"No, I'm sorry, I thought. I thought."

He shifted awkwardly towards the door. Stephen stood up and followed.

"No, it's not that, I'm not -" he motioned to his body desperately. "Beautiful."

"Oh." bondon stopped and let out a small laugh. He moved back to Stephen and reached for his face again. "You scared me. I thought I had been mistaken."

"No, love, sorry." Stephen smiled sheepishly.

"Stephen, you are beautiful. To me, you are beautiful."

"Not like a girl." Bondon laughed.

"No, not like a girl, but like the sea."

Stephen eyed him curiously.

"I'm afraid you have poor taste, Mister bondon." He smirked at Bondon but motioned for him to come back to the cot.

"Sit with me for a while, dear."

Bondon agreed, and they sat for a few hours talking in whispers. After some time, Bondon’s back hurt from sitting on the hard stool.

"Perhaps I should get to bed." Stephen looked sad and sat up.

"Sorry dear, how thoughtless of me you may lie in my cot. I'll take the stool."

"If you don't mind, we could both lay in the cot." Stephen stopped short and laid back down, his face betrayed his fear.

"Very well."

Bondon climbed into the cot, his hands and legs sliding in’s warm body. Once he was situated, their bodies flushed against each other, he let out a sigh. He could feel Stephen's heart beating against his ribcage. It was frantic.

"I don't need to say it, as I think you know well enough, but -" he turned his head as best he could to look into Stephen’s face. He was met with an open, venerable look.

"I like you a lot. I think I fancy you. You don't have to feel the same way. I understand if you only see me as a friend. But -" his voice broke off.

Stephen smiled at him. "I think I like you as well, dear."


"Hmmm," Stephen muttered as he gently reached out to place a thin hand on his chest.

"May I see you?"

Stephen's eyes darted to his own body, and he anxiously nodded his head after a minute.

Bondon carefully unbuttoned Stephen's shirt to reveal the flat plains of his chest.

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