Chapter 8: Catching Pennies

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Third-person pov:

Hoyt tried to look for Patel all night but to no avail. He was gone and nowhere to be found. Hoyt was breathing heavily from all that running. About this time, he felt exhausted. He couldn't go an extra mile at this rate. So he decided to turn in for the night.

So much for convenient timing.


"BEEP... BEEP..." The alarm went off.

Hoyt groaned in weariness and slammed the alarm clock, breaking it in the process. Hoyt then threw the sheets off himself and stood up from the bed. He walked to the bathroom and turned on the lights. 

Hoyt's reflection appeared right in front of himself. Hoyt came closer and inspected himself. He saw his face scared on the left side of his face. He remembered that exact moment he had with Patel. He'll never forget the burning sensation that he felt when Patel cut him across the cheek. Just remembering that sensation alone made Hoyt's anger burn with wrath. Hoyt was done playing, "Nice cop." Even though he wasn't a cop anymore, he still felt like one.

Those traumas never truly faded...

Hoyt got out of the bathroom with a towel on his face. He heard his ear piece ringing from inside the room. He went to go grab it.

Whatever Mark had to say, Hoyt wasn't looking forward to it.

Hoyt got back to his room and picked up the ear piece. Hoyt looked up and brought the thing to his ear. "What is it, Mark?" Hoyt asked.

Mark then came on the microphone. "Ah, Hoyt! I hope you've had a good sleep last night. Because we got some ass that needs kicking!" Mark exclaimed.

"Yeah. That little encounter with Patel sure as hell gave me nightmares." Hoyt replied sarcastically.

"Wait. You've encountered Patel?" Mark asked.

"Yeah. He was rambling on and on about how great I was. I really didn't buy any of it." Hoyt replied.

"What about the Compound? It sounded a bit rough." Mark asked.

"It was rigged to detonate when someone touched that goddamn computer. You should've warned me." Hoyt responded.

"How could I have warned you when I didn't have a damn clue what was in there?!" Mark questioned in annoyance.

"I could've got killed in there." Hoyt stated. 

"Well I'm sorry! Look. You agreed to go in there. So it's partially your fault." Mark told Hoyt.

"Damn. Guess you're right on that one." Hoyt admitted. 

"Well, now's not the time for shaming. We got a crime lord that needs to be put behind bars! Meet me back at my warehouse! I've got a cutting plan!" Mark said before hanging up.

Hoyt rolled his eyes and took off the ear piece. "Whatever you say, man..." Hoyt muttered, tossing the ear piece back on the table.


After that, Hoyt got dressed and made his way to Mark's warehouse. The doors slid up and Hoyt walked down the stairs. He turned a corner and saw Mark sitting on his computer. Mark spun around to look at Hoyt. 

"Ah, my friend! You've made it!" Mark said jovially, standing up from his chair. He walked over towards Hoyt. "I was worried you'd be shot down like a dog coming here." Mark said hugging Hoyt.

Hoyt giggled and looked down to the side, hugging Mark back. "Yeah, trust me. I was a little edgy too." Hoyt replied with a warm smile.

Mark turned around and walked back to his computer as Hoyt followed. "Oh... You should be right now. Cause tonight... we are going to TAKE DOWN CASSWELL!!" Mark said excitedly, throwing his arms up in the air.

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