Chapter 3: The Mad Master of Time

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Author's Note: Based on Tales to Astonish No. 43 (1963).

Manhattan, New York

Civilians were treading along on the busy streets as thousands of footsteps descend on the solid concrete. People also didn't seem to notice two tiny costumed figures running right from under them.

"Slow down, Ant-Man!" Spider-Man shouted as he was sprinting right beside his mentor.

"Try to keep up the pace, Spidey! I can't wait to get back to the lab so that we can become normal-sized again!" Ant-Man responded in exhaustion as he wanted to work on his unfinished projects.

"What's the rush, Doc? It's not like the lab would sprout legs and wander off!" Spider-Man quipped like the jokester that he normally is all the time.

"Doesn't the loud noise of the crowd bother you sometimes? It's almost deafening to my poor ears!" Ant-Man complained while trying to avoid the footsteps.

"It's gonna take a while to get use to this Pym Particle business, but hey that's one of the disadvantages of being really freakin' tiny," Spider-Man added in his two scents.

But then, A mailman was walking along the busy streets carrying a letter in his hand and the wind made him accidentally drop it.

"Ah man! It slipped outta my hand!" The mailman groaned as tried to grab it before it hits the ground.

Spider-Man saw the large shadow looming over the duo. "Ant-Man, look out!"

"What?" Ant-Man was pushed out of the way by his partner before the envelope nearly landed on top of them.

"That was close. You okay, Ant-Man!" Spider-Man breathed a sigh of relief as he helped his mentor off the ground.

"I'll be fine, but what I want to know is where did this come from?!" Ant-Man inquired referring to the huge envelope.

"I'd better pick this up before someone steps on it!" The mailman lifted the envelope up off the ground and he sees the duo. "Hey! Look everyone! It's Ant-Man and Spider-Man!"

The bystanders stopped what they're doing when they heard the mailman call out the heroes' names.

"Wow! It really is them!"

"Careful! Make sure that you people don't step on them!"

"Well aren't their colorful costumes just adorable!"

"Nice work webbing that bozo's trap shut, Spidey! Amazing stuff!"

Spider-Man was beginning to feel a little overwhelmed at the praise he's been receiving lately as if these weren't the same people that was calling him all types of menaces last week.

"Say, how about an autograph from the both of ya. My son's a huge fan of you guys!" A man had a piece of paper in his hand hoping for the heroes to sign.

Ant-Man rubbed the back of his neck. "Sorry, friend...but there's no pen or pencil that's small enough for either of us to write!"

"And even if we did, he's probably going to need a magnifying glass in order to read it!" Spider-Man quipped as the crowd snickered.

As more and more people starting to gather around, the duo decided to make their leave. Spider-Man leaped up high in the air and starting crawl on the wall of a building. Ant-Man emits an electronic signal through his cybernetic helmet!

"He's summoned one of his ants to carry him up that wall with Spider-Man crawling beside him!"

Some woman was at the front of the crowd and urged the diminutive duo to stay for a little bit.

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