Chapter 5: A Trip to the Terrible Tinkerer's Shop

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Author's Note: Based on part two of Amazing Spider-Man Vol. 1 No. 2 (1963) and a casual reference to Peter Parker, The Spectacular Spider-Man Vol. 1 No. 51 (1980).

Goodman Science Museum

Dr. Henry Pym had left the comfort and safety of his own laboratory to venture out into the city and be there at the museum to show up as moral support for his young protege who was entering this year's regional science fair. He recalled back to a time when the two of them had their first ever heart to heart conversation out of costume in this very institution. He also could never forget that same night when they first teamed up together against the Chameleon.

'Where did the time go?' Hank thought to himself and stopped as he was in the middle of reading the flyer posted up on the wall:




'...Good people is kind of a stretching the truth a little,' the entomologist rolled his eyes and kept on walking towards Goodman Hall.

Hank had to snort at that last part of the paper as he heard about some not so good stories from several associates who were previously employed at Osborn Chemical. They detailed how poor some of the working conditions were and that none of their scientists there were ever allowed to use their creativity for the benefit of mankind. It was all the more reason why the doctor was glad that he resigned from his position at the Roxxon Oil Company.

When he arrived at the hall, Hank was mildly surprised that practically most of the participants were wearing costumes while presenting their projects as this year's event was heavily a super hero theme. He made perfect timing too as Peter was about to show off Anti-Magnetic Inverter to his new friends, his aunt and a couple of science fair officials.

"All right, Mr. Parker. What do you have for us this year? Now wow us," One of the two judges said with clipboards in their hand.

"Well, using only common, everyday items lying around the house. I was able to put together this portable anti-magnetic inverter," Peter had the green invention in his hand as he proudly showed it off.

"But what does it do exactly?" The man raised an eyebrow at this piece of technology.

"I'll show you. With just a push of a button, it sends out powerful anti-magnetic waves. Watch and be amazed!" Peter took out a magnet that was holding a metal kitchen fork and as he pressed the button on his inverter, the fork fell off the magnet.

"That's it?" The man asked as he and his partner were clearly unimpressed with this little demonstration.

"Well um...if you know your science then this is very impressive stuff," Peter tried to win over the audience but is failing miserably.

"Oh sure. Sure. Wait right here. We have to tell Stockholm where to send your Nobel Prize," One of the judges mocked as the they laughed while walking away from a dejected Peter's booth.

Hank clenched his fist in frustration as he saw that interaction. I mean sure Peter's demonstration wasn't perfect but those two so-called "professionals" didn't have to be so condescending towards the youngster.

"Really, Pete?" A voice brought Dr. Pym out of his thoughts as two young men in home made hero outfits went up to talk to Peter. Those two must be well acquainted with him. As he got a good look at them, one of them was dressed almost like Thor while the other was in a Ant-Man costume which made the scientist feel a bit proud to an extent that his alter-ego has become so influential.

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