Chapter 4 Part 1: Scott's Childhood

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It was early afternoon and Scott had just put on his riding gear on and he grabbed the keys to his bike and his helmet as well and he got his bike out of his garage.
After that, he closed his garage door and locked it and then he put his bike helmet on and got on his bike.

Scott was in a sombre mood all day as it was a day that changed his life forever.
He sighed and then he turned the bike engine on and then he started riding his bike to the destination.
The whole way there, not a word was said, there was no thoughts in his head, he just felt empty for the time being.
He didn't even feel like going a bit faster when he got onto the highway especially when there were not many other cars or bikes around.

Scott eventually got off the highway and he rode his bike down the backroads and as he got closer to his destination, thoughts had started to enter his mind and those thoughts were of one person.

Scott would sometime have some music playing through some earphones but the whole bike ride was all quiet except for the sound of his Yamaha YZF-R6 on the road.

Scott came to a temporary stop due to traffic and while he was waiting for the traffic to disperse, he was looking around and he saw some cars that he liked the look of but not much else happened while he waited in traffic.

The traffic eventually dispersed and Scott continued on his way to his destination.

He eventually arrived there and he parked his bike in front of some land that was fenced off and after he shifted the kickstand to keep his bike propped up, he got the hardened chain and he locked it around the fencing and then he took his bike helmet off.

Scott looked around and he started walking until he came across a big pair of gates that were already open and as he looked up a live the gates, it revealed where Scott was heading the whole time as the sign read out "Springriver Cemetery".

Scott lowered his head and then he started walking past the gates and as he was walking, he passed many graves and some were more than twice as old as he is.
Scott walked down a cobblestone path that eventually led to a few rows of graves and as he passed them, he eventually stopped and stood in front of a gravestone that had the image of a couple of doves flying out of an oak tree and then he read the words of the gravestone.

We Will Always Remember With Love

Ivy Marie Patterson

15•06•77 - 18•02•03

Dearly Beloved Mother

Loving Wife

Cherished Daughter

"Everybody Loves Somebody, Sometime. Everybody Falls In Love, Somehow"

The name on this particular gravestone was the name of his mother, Ivy.
Scott was now stood in front of the grave of his mother who passed away when he was ten years old and ever since then, he's never been the same as he once was.
He never really properly grieved for her as there were certain things that were happening at that time that didn't allow him any time to do so.

The last sentence on his mother's gravestone were the words of his mother's most favourite song by Frank Sinatra which was called "Everybody Loves Somebody" and then after he read the words, he sat down on the bench opposite it and he started to speak to his mother's grave.

Scott: hey mum, it's your son, Scott...... I'm sorry I didn't come and see you these past few weeks, I'll try better next time and I'll actually come and visit you this time next week.
I bet if you were still with us, you'd be asking me how my life is going, to tell you the truth it ain't been the same since you passed on.
I still think about you, I still remember how you looked, you had long and black wavy hair and dark brown eyes with the red lipstick that you used to wear.
I still remember all the clothes you used to wear, you always took pride in the way that you looked, one of my friends called Mila has seen pictures of you and i remember her telling me that you had amazing fashion sense, and that you were insanely pretty.
Thank goodness I get all my good traits from you eh ?
Speaking of my friends, they've managed to get me to go with them to a wrestling show recently, I'd be lying if I said that I didn't enjoy it and I know how you raised me to not be a liar.
I still have that necklace that you gave me, I'll keep it with me always.
I still remember all the times we had, the laughter and the smiling.
I still smile mind you but it doesn't count if it's a half arsed grin does it ?
Although I haven't really laughed out loud since I was a kid and you were around.
I haven't really seen anything of your husband...... I still refuse to refer to him as anything else if you know what I mean.
I don't know what I'd do if I ever saw him again and to be honest, it'd still be too soon.
But enough of... him, I came to visit you and to try to remember all the good times.
Like my treehouse in the backyard, do you remember how you used to have to put on a stern voice to get me to come out of it for dinner, I knew it was an act because I could tell that behind the stern voice, you were trying not to laugh at my antics, it was on the way that your eyes twinkled and the corners of your mouth would turn upwards... I knew it.
I remember all the walks we used to go on with the family dog called George and how when you used to let him off the leash, me and him would go running together and you would watch us playing together.
Or when you used to make my favourite, chocolate chip cookies, I tried making them once and they are nothing in comparison so much that I think that you must have put something secret in them, I just can't figure out what.
Mind you, I loved whatever you made, I always ate whatever you put in front of me and I used to eat like a greedy dog or something, I remember how you used to have to wipe my face whenever there was food on the outside and how you chuckled whenever you wiped my face.
I still have all the drawings I used to do in elementary school and when I brought them home, you would tell me what a good job I did on them and then you'd stick them on the fridge.
Those were some of the best years of my life and I miss them unlike anything in all my life...... but I miss you the most, I'll always miss you mum.

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