It comes in handy to know people

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Morgan stared down at her phone in shock, "Holy fuck, I got the job."

"Mmm? What was that?" Lina questioned from her bed, her nose buried deep into the book she was reading.

"The job, at the bbq place we went to the other day. I got it."

"When did you interview?"

"I didn't. Maz just texted me and said I can come in later today, or tomorrow to get my uniform and speak to the owner. Oh, and to fill out all the hiring paperwork."

Lina's eyes peered over her book at her friend. "How did you get a job if you didn't interview for it," she puzzled.

Morgan's fingers were busily moving over her phone. "I don't know, that's what I'm asking her now."

Lina sat there quietly, waiting on her friend to get an answer from the other waitress and tell her all about it.

"So evidently, Maz spoke highly of me, dunno how when we barely know each other."

"I mean a job is a job though right?"

"Yeah," Morgan sighs, "I just hope I don't break everything." Morgan shoved her phone in her pocket and grabbed her jacket. "Might as well get this shit show over with."

"Good luck!"

Morgan arrived at the diner, walking in and looking around for Maz, finally spotting her and listening as Maz told her to take a seat at the counter. Morgan fiddled with  a menu while she waited for the other girl to come over. A few minutes later an order pad was plopped down on the counter in front of her, causing her to look up at the frazzled girl standing there.

"So, the owner wants to meet you, talk to you himself then have you fill everything out. He'll go over the schedule with you. He's pretty easy going though so if you need certain days or times off he usually works with that. Ready for me to go get him?"

"Wait wait. Why did you talk me up to him so much? And why would he hire someone just off someone else's opinions?"


"No lie to me."

Maz scoffed, "from the little I got to know of you, you seem flipping awesome. You have a similar attitude as I do, and it will serve you well in this sort of industry. The fact that you worked for what, over 20 hours on those earrings mean you have incredible patience and amazing work ethic. And if it takes eye-candy to make you come in everyday, well at least we have a waitress who isnt going to call off all the time. Plus, you want a job right, sounds like a win for everyone" She didn't even stick around for a reply before walking into the back, returning a few minutes later. "Let's go, he has some time right now."

Morgan stood up, straightening her shirt and hair before following Maz to the back, watching as the other girl knocks on a door before poking her head in.

"Here ya go. I would say let me know how it goes, but you already have the job." Then she just turns and leaves you there, staring at a partially open door, not moving until  a voice calls for you to come in.

She walks in, turning and closing the door gently, looking down as she returns to face the room. Gazing around the floor she locates the legs of a chair and goes in that direction until  a squeaky laugh causes her to look up, and right into the face of the hot cook from the other day.

"You're the owner?"

"Part owner. My brother and I own the diner together, but his wife is in labor so I'm running things today. How are you today Morgan?"

"I'm good? Look Mr... um.."

"Seokjin, or Jin now that you work here." He smiled at her, his whole face softening.

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