Me date him? Never

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Thank god Morgan didn't have to be to work until the afternoon, she has a horrible habit of sleeping in late, and today was no exception. Her alarm might have gone off at 11, but she hit snooze so many times she didn't actually crawl out of bed until after 12:30. After her shower she debated doing something with her hair other than just throwing it into a ponytail or even putting on some makeup; but ultimately decided with as much work as she would end up doing that her makeup would probably end up melting off, so she decided against it. Throwing on one of the black uniform tops, and a pair of jean capris, she glanced around her floor for the comfy sneakers she knew she owned. It took quite a bit of time too, clothes being tossed from where they were laying, even laying on her floor and checking under her bed before she found them lying neatly in the bottom of her closet. Which makes sense when she thought about it, she hated sneakers and preferred either flip flops or being barefoot, so who knows when the last time was she even wore them. She took her time, dithering over which pair of handmade earrings she wanted to wear today. She didn't want them to be too dangly, even though those were her go-to style. Instead she opted for an almost plain smallish hoop, plain except for the small red stone embedded along the middle of the metal. Shoving her phone and debit card into her back pocket, she decided walking to work wouldn't be too bad. It was only a 10 minute walk and the weather was beautiful out. Sunny, but not overpowering with heat, a small breeze and it was perfect.

She ended up making a pit stop before she got to the restaurant. There was a little bakery on her way there and the enticing smell of chocolate lured her in. And oh man, there was so much to choose from. Chocolate chip cookies, danishes, pies, cupcakes; not to mention the ice coffee, hot coffee, hot chocolate, frozen hot chocolate, smoothies, shakes. She walked out with a cookie and a shake, but with the realization that between this place, and the diner food she was going to be broke and fat.

Strolling into the diner a few minutes later, she sipped from her drink while looking around for Maz. She didn't see her, but instead caught the eye of Jin, and at the tilt of his head, she maneuvered around the tables and patrons towards the back.

"Hey Morgan, Maz will be right back, we were running low on change so she ran to the bank for me." With a nod of his head, Jin motions for you to sit at the little stool next to the pick up window the waitresses use. "Are you ready to learn the ropes today?"

Morgan observes the man in front of her work, expertly sliding food in and out of pans at different times, unsure how he kept up with it all and managed to not let it burn. "Yeah. I've never done waitressing, but I've kept track of what the younger kids wanted to eat at the group home, so I mean it can't be much different, just on a bigger scale, and tips, those little hellions didn't leave tips." She grins up at him from around her straw when he looks over at her.

Jin filed away that bit of information for a future conversation, but took the time to look over her attire. Uniform top neatly tucked in, hair pulled back, a deep blue today; and what looked like new, but well worn sneakers. "I cant speak for the kids, but you certainly look capable today." His eyes glanced at the name on the cup she was holding and couldnt stop the grin, "is that good?"

"Oh god its amazing. They even let me concoct my own, so this is a chocolate/peanut butter/banana shake, its delicious."

Jins brow raised at the sound of it, "It certainly sounds, interesting. I wasn't aware they did things like that though."

"Oh they said they didn't, but I wanted one so bad I begged them. The person finally caved and even admitted that it sounded good."

Yet another piece of information for Jin to file away for later. Conversations with her were starting to fill his mind like Wikipedia. Before he could reply, Maz came swinging through the door, the bank envelope securely tucked in her arms.

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