explanation / cast

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this is my first time writing a fan fiction that involves the triplets so take it easy on me lol! ive been working on this for about a month and finally got the courage to just upload it somewhere so i can start on something new, i hope you enjoy this as much as i have. ill probably post a copy of this on A03 bc ppl have their preferences,

- but i just wanted to let you know that ive been watching the triplets for about a year and a half and theyve truly changed my life and interests as a person, theres no way i can thank them enough. ive been writing since i was in the third grade but ive been expirencing writers block for a few years until about a month ago i sat down with my laptop while watching the triplets and got inspired. theres no way ill ever be able to thank them for the push of courage theyve provided and the amount of creative thoughts they have shared with their fans. truly unremarkable young men.

- now introudicing our cast throughout this novel, first starting with the main female protagonist portrayed by naeila devora

Arianna Natalie Doe

now moving onto the four other main characters portrayed by themselves:

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now moving onto the four other main characters portrayed by themselves:

Nathan Doe

Nicolas Sturniolo@nicksturnioloSeventeenLeoJunior

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Nicolas Sturniolo

Matthew Sturniolo@mattsturnioloSeventeenLeoJunior

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Matthew Sturniolo

Christopher Sturniolo@chrissturnioloSeventeenLeoJunior

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Christopher Sturniolo

Christopher Sturniolo@chrissturnioloSeventeenLeoJunior

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Madi Filipowicz

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I love you,


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