03 - coffee burns

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The next morning was slow. Everyone got up at random times and just messed around on their phones, sharing funny videos and trying to wake themselves up from the rough night of weird sleeping positions. Matt being perfectly fine.

“Anyone down for breakfast..?” Chris asks lightly, stretching his arms with a big ole’ yawn.

“Yeah me and Aria can pay if we go.” Nate hunched over the couch, putting his hat back on his head. I think that goes for a lot of people considering the fact that we're still just a bunch of kids trying to make ends meet. “Im down” Madi looks over, fixing up her hair; face still puffy. She was so adorable. “Alright whos all tryna go..” Chris asks but it's quiet, it's pretty obvious we all were going to go.

And while everyone fixed themselves up and put on their shoes and jackets I noticed Matt wasn't with us. I figured he must've been sleeping in but there's no way Nick or Chris wouldnt of have noticed and wondered if he's okay so I decided to speak up, “Where's Matt?” Everyone looked around.

“Oh he texted me earlier, he's in the bathroom he's about to be downstairs in a minute. Nate you driving?” Chris mumbles, Nate shrugs his shoulders in agreement and grabs Matt's keys from off the hook as we waltz into the garage and hop inside the car. Matt eventually appeared after the longest three minutes of my life, sitting in the backseat dressed in different clothes than what he wore last night.

A large sweater with baggy jeans that hung loose around his boots. A hat pulling back his messy bed hair. But his looks were irrelevant. I took in the cold breeze, and admired the fall weather, it was frosty and the streets were practically bursting out with cars. We all sat in the same spots that we did last time except Madi was shoved into the very back where I wanted to sit with her but I chose to  not to invade her space leaving me in the middle of Matt and Nick.

“Okay so before we get into a big argument let's decide where to eat alright?” Nick laughs, “I want donuts ..” Nate mumbles quietly, he wasn't announcing it but everyone started to hype him up and agree. So that's exactly what had happened, we all drove to the nearest Dunkin Donuts and got a large tray, me Nick and Madi getting some coffee while Chris got some hot chocolate.

We sat around for a while, striking up random topics in the parking lot similar to last night except Chris began to mess around with Matt who quickly engaged; throwing a punch to Chris’s shoulder which struck his nerves.

He had flipped around and landed his fist into Matt's chest, my jaw dropped as I huddled up, grabbing my phone from my pocket to record the memorable moment but before I could Matts arm slams into my side; I press against the car door and drop the warm drink all over my lap, it splashes and seeps through the thickness of my sweatpants. I sit shocked with my jaw to my toes.

“What the actual fuck?!” I exclaim struggling to open the car door from the burning sensation on my thighs, Matt watches me covering his mouth in shock of the incident. Tears build in my eyes from the stings under my pants, Nate rushes out of the car. I cuss under my breath repeatedly as I swing my hands; not knowing how to react.

“Are you okay?!” Nate questions, I nod. Everyone eventually piles out of the car to see if I was alright. After a few minutes the pain started to subside and I was fine, I was content but a little embarrassed from the way I reacted. I didn't want to be seen as dramatic even though it really did hurt.

“Well we should probably go get the car and go home you know..” Nate whispered, I agreed instantly and even though he was trying to be quiet so he doesn't come off as rude everyone understood.

“Hey, you can sit in the passenger seat” Chris smiled, opening the car door for me, the seat was covered with a random hoodie, the feet area being cleaned up. I thanked him. I went to sit down when Matt grabbed my shoulder for a second and guided me a few feet away from the car, I exhaled in frustration but obliged.

“Look, I'm so sorry. It was an accident and I wouldn't purposefully like you know–spill coffee on you or some shit like that. This is on me so my bad. I apologize” He uttered, his voice sounded sincere and soft so it was hard to stand there and shoot it down with an attitude, “All good” I responded bluntly; hurrying towards the car when his fingers dragged along my forearm as he grabbed me with a loose grip, I flipped to look at him, confused and a little shook up. 

“Are you sure?” He reiterated, dipping his head down a little, the sun radiating off his pretty pale skin and outlining his sharp jawline, eyes bright with worry. I was taken back for a second before snatching my arm away and nodding, “Yeah.” Breaking the eye contact.

“Okay..” He sighs, walking behind me as we approach the car and crawl inside. While Nate drove us back to the triplets place everyone just listened to music and continued to giggle until we arrived, we all said goodbye. I decided not to be salty about me and Matt's recent spat even though I wanted to.

Once me and Nate got in our car I ranted to him, complaining about my stained clothes while he just listened, giving his two cents here and there about his ‘boys’. 

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