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"WOW! Is that all one town?" Izuku gasped, looking down at Thebes

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"WOW! Is that all one town?" Izuku gasped, looking down at Thebes.

"One town. A million troubles." Yagi huffed as Katsuki lowered them closer to the ground and into a crowded street. "The one and only Thebes. The big olive itself. If you can make it there, you can make it anywhere."

Izuku looked around as Yagi pinched his arm. "Stick with me, kid. This city is a dangerous place." He warned before a carriage zoomed passed him.

"Look where you're going numbskull!" The driver yelled.

"Hey, I'm walking here!" Yagi shouts back. "You see what I mean? I'm tellin' you- wackos."

The three walked around as vendors sold different goods and shouted to promote their business. Izuku skipped down a set of stairs when a smuggler appeared from behind the corner and opened his cloak to reveal sundials lined on each side.

"Woah!" Izuku says as he covered his eyes and turned away.

"Wanna buy a sundial?" The man questioned.

Yagi pushed the smuggler to the side and grabbed Izuku. "He's not interested, all right? Come on, kid."

The three of them continued walking when a man rushed to Izuku and grabbed him by the shoulders, yelling in his face.

"The end is coming! Can't you feel it?"

Yagi rolled his eyes and shoved Izuku away. "Yes, yes. Thank you for the info. Yes. We'll ponder that for a while." He pulled Izuku closer to whispered in his ear.

"Just stare at the sidewalk. Come on. Don't make eye contact." Izuku nodded and stood silent as Yagi kept talking. "People here are nuts. That's because they live in a city of turmoil. Trust me, kid, you're gonna be just what the doctor ordered." He gestured to the group of people standing near a well.

As they walked closer Izuku heard a lady discussing the city's problems while wringing out her dress.

"It was tragic! We lost everything in the fire."

"Everything except old Snowball here." A man wearing burnt clothing adds, holding up his ash covered cat.

"Now were the fires before or after the earthquake?" Asks the larger man.

"They were after the earthquake, I remember." Pipes a women who tried to put her broken vase back together.

"But before the flood." The first women added.

"Don't even get me started on the crime rate." A older man snickered shaking his head.

"Thebes has certainly gone downfall in a hurry." The woman agreed.

"Tell me about it. It seems like every time I turn around there's some new monster wreaking havoc."

Izuku shyly approached the group. "Excuse me. Uh.." The crowd stopped the conversation to look at him suspiciously. Izuku flinched at the cold stares but continued. "It, seems to me that what you folks need is a hero."

"Yeah?" The strong man asked skeptically, eyeing Izuku. "And who are you?"

Yagi pushed Izuku forward. "I'm Izuku. And I happen to be a hero."

The crowd stood silent before breaking into a laughter.

"Is that so?"

"A hero!" A woman says between laughs.

The old man uses his cane to pull Izuku closer to his level. "Have you ever saved a town before?"

"Uh, no, uh, not exactly, but I—"

The strong man grabs Izuku by his arm pulling his  attention to him as he says "Have you ever reversed a natural disaster?"

"Well, uh... no."

"Oh, listen to this. He's just another chariot chaser. This we need." He rolled his eyes and let go of Izuku, the crowd turned away from him and started to shuffle off.

"Don't you pea brains get it?" Yagi shouted which got the crowds attention. "This kid is a genuine article."

The burnt man quirked a eyebrow. "Hey, isn't that the goat-man who trained Achilles?"

Yagi clenched his fist. "Watch it pal!"

"Yeah, you're right. Hey, nice job on those heels! Ya' missed a spot!"

"I got your heel right here!" Yagi marched up to the man and punched him square in the jaw.

"Hey! Take it easy, Yagi!" Izuku had to drag him off the man.

One of the women walked up to Izuku who was calming down Yagi. "Young man, we need a professional hero. Not an amateur." She spat and walked away.

"Well, wait. Stop!" Izuku called out but they ignored him.

Izuku sighed making his way to the nearest statue and slid down to the base. "How am I supposed to prove myself a hero if nobody will give me a chance?"

Yagi crouch down and patted his shoulder. "You'll get your chance; you just need some kind of catastrophe or disaster." He assured him.

Suddenly they heard a commotion. "Please! Help! Please!" Izuku perked his head up at the familiar voice. "There's been a terrible accident!"

Izuku stood up a saw the beautiful woman from the forest trying to get help from others.

Yagi groaned. "Speaking of disasters."


Y/N turned to the caller. "Wonderboy! Izuku!" She exclaimed, pushing her way through the crowd and up to Izuku.

"Wha-what's wrong?" Y/N grabbed his forearms and gasped for air. "Outside of town, two little kids, they were playing in the gorge.  There was that rock slide, a terrible rock slide. They're trapped!"

The corners of Izuku mouth raised. "Kids? Trapped? Yagi, this is great!"

Y/N pulled away and frowned. "You are really choked up about this, aren't ya?"

"Come on!" Izuku drags Y/N close to him and hauls her onto Katsuki.

"No!" Y/N squealed. Tightly wrapping her arms around Izuku's waist and dug her fingernails into his skin."I have this terrible fear of heights!"

Katsuki snickered and shot up into the air laughing at the girl shrieking.

𝐖𝐎𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑 𝐁𝐎𝐘, 𝐢. 𝐦𝐢𝐝𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐲𝐚Where stories live. Discover now