Off screen kiss -ian 2015

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Today on the set of Smosh: the movie I have to kiss Ian...

"So this is not a joke?" he says

I lean in for the kiss but don't actually do it because we're only rehearsing

"It's not a joke..." he says pretending to zone out

"Okay guys that was great! Just really kiss when it's time" The director says

We both laugh

A while later we're on lunch just playing on our phones. Both me and Ian not eating the sandwiches in front of us, I'm not eating it because I don't want to have onion breath which I'm guessing that's why Ian isn't eating either.

"Hey y/n?" Ian looks up from his phone

"Yeah?" I look up from mine making eye contact wondering what he's gonna say

"Are you nervous- for know- kiss?" He says

"Kinda...But don't worry we will do fine- hopefully." I said getting a little nervous now

"Should we like practice or just wing it?" He says getting up and sitting next to me at the lunch table

"I mean- if you want too..." I said smiling

"I just think it would be good so we don't have to do it for the first time in front of a room of people and cameras" he said shrugging

"that's true... but like right here?" I motion towards the table and look around at the people in the room

"Uhm......" he looks around for a private place

"Theres a bathroom over there!" He points to the gender neutral bathroom

"That could work" I said getting a bit anxious

"okay so I will go in before you so people don't think something weird is happening." Ian says and I nod in agreement

He looks around making sure the coast is clear for him to not be noticed, then he gets up and speed walks to the bathroom shutting the door.

I'm getting so nervous.
Why I'm so nervous? maybe because ever since I got cast as 'butt massage girl' I thought Ian was funny and attractive, thinking about kissing him literally gives me butterflies but the fact that he is willing to even kiss me off screen just to practice makes my heart skip a fucking beat.

After a few minutes it's time to meet him in the bathroom.

I stand up from the table looking around at the groups of people just minding their own business and finally make it to the bathroom where I take one last deep breath and turn the handle opening the door a crack and quickly shutting myself in locking the door so it reads 'occupied'

I look over at Ian leaning against the wall near the door

"Glad you could make it" he smiles

I smile back at him walking over in front of him

"Soooo...wanna act out the scene?" He asks

"How about we just act like we're not acting" I said biting my lip out of nerves

"That's a better idea!" He said

"Do you want me to kiss you orrrrr do you want to do it? I mean I'm fine with whatev-"

I cut him off by grabbing the back of his neck and pulling him into a kiss. During the kiss he moved his hands from out of his pockets to my hips and I pulled away, still resting my arms over his shoulders, locking my hands behind him

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15 ⏰

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