winter games -anthony 2017

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me and the smosh squad are on the way to a cabin in the mountains for smosh winter games, I'm pretty nervous since this is my first games since I've joined smosh but maybe this will give me a chance to grow closer to the cast!

Sarah whittle and Matt raub in the front of the van just talking and getting directions.
Noah and Keith making vines a row behind Me and Courtney who have just been playing mariokart basically the whole ride

"Omg I hope we are on the same team!!" Courtney frowns

"Me too!! I'm so nervous I don't know what to expect" I said

"Don't worry it's just silly little games and everyone is super chill and nice about it" she reassures me

"Thanks court" I smile and she smiles back

-a hour of telling Noah and Keith we have a headache later-

"We're here!" Sarah says excitedly

I slide the van door open and get one of the coldest gusts of wind hit me in the face


we all get out of the van freezing cold, trying not to slip on the ice.
We look behind the van to see the other van of everyone else pulling into the parking lot, I look through the window and lock eyes with Anthony for a few seconds too long and I turn away trying not to blush.
I have to admit that ever since I started working here I thought Anthony was so charming and hot but sadly this has stopped me from ever trying to have a actual conversation with him out of a scripted conversation

We walk inside the cabin and see how beautiful it is, as everyone is taking off their shoes the rest of the cast walk in greeting everyone excitedly

"y/n/n!" Olivia says running up to me and hugging me

"Livvvv!" I say hugging her back and I see Anthony look over at us hugging and smile briefly

Once everyone is settled in on the big couch in the living room Matt and Sarah stand in front of the fireplace
"Okay guys upstairs are all of your rooms, due to the budget most of you will be sharing a room but we tried to strategically pick your roomies"

Everyone starts to walk upstairs and read the names on the door
|Mari & Olivia|
|Shayne & Damien|
|Noah & Keith|
|Y/N & Courtney|

Finally! There were more rooms down the hallway but I was so ready to just lay in bed after sitting in a van for 4 hours.

I set my suitcase on the floor in front of my bed and flop down on bed with a sigh, Courtney already in her bed playing on her phone

"Bro I'm so tired" I say

"Well it is 11:30 at night" she laughs

"Okay I'm gonna unpack then hit the hay" I said sitting up after a few seconds of relaxing

I unpacked my suitcase and filled the dresser I have on my side of the room then I got my pjs and got changed.
I then head down the hallway to the bathroom with my toothbrush in hand.

I reach the bathroom but the doors shut and I can see the light on under the crack
I knock lightly just to see if anyone is in there

"Sorry! I'm almost done" I hear none other then Anthony call out from behind the door

"It's okay take your time" I say nicely hoping he's not taking a shit, I really don't want to think of him like that

A few seconds later I hear him spit into the sink and then the water run, thank god he wasn't pooping

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