winter games p2

92 2 4

We ended up falling asleep together but I woke up to his alarm which was earlier then mine, I looked over at him sleeping peacefully with his arm wrapped around my waist

"anthony" I whispered and he groaned

I kissed his cheek and he slowly opened his eyes and kissed me on the lips this time

"goodmorning beautiful" he says making me blush

"goodmorning" I smile

"fuck I have a pounding headache" he says sitting up and holding his head

"well you were a little drunk last night" I laugh

"I remember everything..." he looks over at me covering up with his blanket

"well I gotta get ready, you should probably head back to your room before everyone wakes up" he says putting his boxers from the floor back on

I nod and put my underwear and the rest of my pjs back on before I walk behind him as he is fixing his hair in the mirror, I wrap my arms around his waist and he bites his lip and turns around to kiss me one last time

"See you later" I say and move to the door

I open his door quietly and close it even quieter I look across the hallway and see Ian turned towards me with furrowed brows and his mouth agape

"are you guys-" he started

"no Ian he just wanted to tell me about the schedule for today" I roll my eyes hoping he believes my lies

"right..." he said and I walk back to me and courts room opening the door quietly and I lay down and play on my phone until our alarms goes off waking Courtney

I start getting ready and go to the bathroom before I head downstairs where Sarah and Matt are taking Dunkin donuts orders.
I look over to anthony sitting on the couch playing on his phone

I sit at the table with Olivia and I feel my phone buzz in my pocket so I take it out and see anthony texted me, before I open it I turn my phone away from liv discreetly


you look so hot

so do you

fuck I wanna kiss you so bad

I mean you can but we might get a few stares

lmao wanna risk it

no thx I dont wanna get fired

I look over to the couch and he's shaking his head and smirking

after the challenges for today it was nighttime and it was time for Hot tub charades, I got changed into my favorite bathing suit and put a hat on since I know it's gonna be cold so I might aswell keep something warm

I walk out to the balcony where I see the rest of my team in the hot tub waiting for me

"Sorry guys" I said and they all forgave me and I stepped in looking for a empty spot but only seeing one infront of anthony

Ian and Anthony Where stories live. Discover now