My First Crush 💖

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I had my first crush back in grade 7. I swear, it was something out of a k-drama, more or less. So, let's call him... A. I'll just type out a few situations we were both in. Probably not too interesting, but I find them really sweet.

          So, I think he found out I liked him when his friend, who heard me telling my friends, told him. It was during Dusshera and on the last day before holidays, my friends and I were playing truth or dare.

          I told them I liked A. Now A didn't know Telugu, since he was North Indian. But his friend did. So, he heard it and probably told him. After the holidays, I noticed A staring at me a lot. He also frequently tried sitting closer to me or standing close to me.


          These are not in any order. I typed out what I remembered.

          Once, there was practice for the school's annual day. A played the guitar while I played the piano. So, we were constantly practicing and never had time to stay in the class. For once, we finally got to stay during Maths period. Coincidentally, even my drama teacher didn't call me for practice. Everyone begged the Maths teacher for a free period, where we can watch Tom & Jerry. Why? No idea. We just went with it.

          Now, everyone was asking except A. All my classmates pleaded with him to tell the teacher that he also wanted to watch cartoons. He was like, "I dunno..." Finally, the Class Clown, who knew my crush, was like, "You ask him..."

          Since I did want to watch Tom & Jerry, I asked him. He finally relented. And we watched Tom & Jerry. During this, the people who sit in the bench beside mine were not there. So he left his place, which was closer to the projecting board, and sat in said place, which was the back bench. I noticed him constantly staring at me, watching me laugh, not even watching the cartoon.

          Later that day, he just walked up to me during practice and said, "You seem to enjoy Tom & Jerry."


          I personally find this one quite cute. There's this kid in class who was really fun to be around, if you knew him, but he was quite slow. Now A was good friends with him, since they were both quiet and shy. A was the topper, just to clear that up.

          One day, A and his friends were just curious on whether he would be able to spell English. So, they called him up. A knew I was watching. He asked him to spell English. The boy just asked why? Since he was really confused.

          In an attempt to make me laugh, A went, "Y'know C, English doesn't begin with a Y." It was a light-hearted comment and A was good friends with the boy so he didn't take it too seriously. Me, being the idiot I am, said, "I think he means, why, as in why are you asking me this, and not Y, as in the alphabets."

          Safe to say, my friends were really mad at me later.


          Remember the class clown I mentioned earlier?? It's his time to shine. Now, in my old school, a guy's best friend meant their crush. Same goes for the girls. I was A's best friend. He was mine. But they didn't openly tease me because my mom was a teacher in my school and our home-room teacher was good friends with her.

          This also happened during the annual day practice time. All the dance students were out and a few students remained in class, including me, A, a close friend and A's best friend. The actual one. 

          The class clown, K, goes, "When you gonna tell A you like him?" A was sitting right in front of me. His face whipped back to look at me and I gave K an I'll-Kill-You-Later look. Everyone knew our crushes, though we never confessed. I guess it was really obvious.

          I ended up leaving the classroom, with the excuse of finding my friends.


          My close friend, mentioned earlier, knew a few songs on the guitar. After our christmas performance, we all sat together. A, me, my close friend and A's bestie. Suddenly, A's friend goes and asks my friend, H, whether she can play romantic songs for A. She was like, 'Sure.' and played Kesariya, Senorita, and something else. Cue A's blushing face and my laughing ass.


          Our school had sports week and that day, it was the football match. I was made captain. We played and we won. Not bragging but I scored the most goals for our team. When I received the medal on behalf of our team, his face was shining with pride. He played and learnt football. I learnt tennis.


          I think this is the last time I properly saw him again. It was our annual day and he was leaving. I was running to the changing rooms to get my makeup off , since I was kind of allergic. My cousin, behind me, asked me to stop, since she wanted to help me remove my makeup. A, who was leaving with his family just turned, and backed away slowly, pretending to admire our school's plants.

          An honourable mention on this list was something of a routine. In our school cafeteria, we had a water dispenser that had cold water. Since I left with my mom and had to wait, I usually went and filled my bottle up daily. A realized my routine and he started walking with me. Everyday. He's come with me, fill his bottle and walk with me. We didn't talk. Occasionally there would be small talk, like, You did good at today's tennis tournament. Or I heard you playing the guitar, it was nice. Et cetera. My friends were gushing about this when I told them about our routine.

          I also asked him to play Table Tennis with me and he accepted it. He would many times just move closer to stand next to me and it was a fun experience, trying not to blush as your friend whisper-teased you.

          Recently, it was his birthday and since I'm in UAE now, I asked my friend to wish him. She was out of station so she asked our mutual friend to do it. Turns out, he became a blushing mess and his friend teased the shit out of him.

          Also, he's from Dubai and I'm from Abu Dhabi. Everyone would be teasing us like, will you both be meeting each other in UAE, Will you both go see the Burj Khalifa together??

          Looking back now, it seems kind of silly, but I still cherish it and I still like him now. 



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