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Welcome everyone!!!

I do realize how much has passed since the second chapter of "No sense in my head" I had a lot going on with school and enjoying the breaks, but trust me I have been writing- not at frequently as I have hoped.

Recently, I've had a glob of inperatiin thrusted into my brain, it's enough to get chapter three out hopefully sometime this week, I hope you guys are looking forward to it!

You might be annoyed why we haven't seen Monty in the series yet; but trust me, I'm getting there. Even I'm getting impatient with how slow I'm moving the story along, but most of the problem is from writers block; which of course, isn't a good thing to have while your actively writing a fanfiction .

I am trying to give my self writing deadlines, but I can't promise anything between these times; my new times of when what will be published with be every two months; I'll try not to make it as long because I know... two months issss a bit of a wait! But I'll try my best to push out chapters sooner than the two month mark.

With that, I hope everyone has a great rest of their day, keep it cool and classy!


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