Tinged with a sudden Change.

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Emily lay sprawled on her back in the solitude of her backyard, her gaze fixed on the ever-shifting clouds overhead. Her thoughts, however, were far from the serene sky. Instead, they spiraled back to the haunting imagery of her recent nightmare. The vivid memory of the old man's face lingered in her mind – a complex tapestry of fear, anger, and disgust as he succumbed to an unseen assailant. This grim visage raised unsettling questions in Emily's mind.

Could the nightmare be a premonition, like the one before Harmonie's untimely death? The thought sent a chill down her spine. Was it possible that Harmonie's murderer was not just a one-time offender but a serial killer? The idea that she might be witnessing glimpses of future victims in her dreams was both terrifying and bewildering. Lying there, under the vast expanse of the sky, Emily grappled with the implications of her visions and the unnerving possibility that another life might be in peril.

Emily's brief respite under the sky was cut short by the call of her tutor, beckoning her inside for another session of speech practice. Even on a Saturday, her father's insistence on perfecting her oratory skills allowed for no breaks. Hours slipped by as she repeated phrases and fine-tuned her delivery, trying to emulate the eloquence her parents were known for.

After the exhaustive session, Emily found herself wandering into their private reading room. She aimlessly skimmed through books, but her mind was too preoccupied to focus. Her thoughts drifted to Jake – his comforting presence during her moment of vulnerability, his apparent deep disturbance by her nightmare. It almost felt as if he had experienced the terror alongside her.

Her train of thought was interrupted by the buzz of her phone. A message from Jake popped up: "Hey, I'm pretty bored today. Finished all my homework... Can I come over?" A smile crept onto Emily's face, her heart unexpectedly fluttering with excitement. "Hey Jake, how about I come to you instead? I could use a change of scenery," she replied.

Jake's response took a while, his messages appearing and disappearing as he seemed to wrestle with his words. Finally, he wrote: "Em, I'm a bit embarrassed about my place. It's nothing like where you live..." Emily quickly reassured him, typing fervently. "Don't worry about that, Jake."

"Alright, Em. My dad's not around, so we can play some video games or I can show you around. It used to be a farm, so there's a lot of land," Jake eventually suggested.

The plan set, Emily felt a surge of anticipation for the visit, curious to see Jake's world and spend more time with the boy who had unknowingly become an important part of her life.

Emily stepped off the train at Cove Station, her steps quickened by the thrill of visiting Jake. As she approached his house, her excitement was briefly interrupted by a deep, menacing bark. A large brown dog, tethered by a chain, growled fiercely at her approach, startling her.

Jake emerged just in time, his voice firm as he addressed the dog. "Hey Rex, back to your kennel," he commanded. The dog retreated, albeit reluctantly.

"You didn't mention having a dog," Emily commented, her arms crossed in a playful gesture.

Jake opened the gate, shaking his head. "Because Rex isn't really mine. If he were, he wouldn't be on a chain, and he definitely wouldn't be such a brute." Emily's eyes lingered on Rex, a pang of pity striking her heart.

"Does your dad always keep him chained up like that?" she asked, her voice tinged with concern.

"Yeah, always. It's wrong, but there's no use arguing with him," Jake replied, a shadow of sadness passing over his face. But as he turned to Emily, his expression brightened.

Upon entering Jake's house, Emily immediately noticed its dimly lit interior and the pervading sense of gloom. The atmosphere felt heavy, almost oppressive. She couldn't help but feel a wave of sympathy for Jake – living in such an environment seemed incredibly challenging.

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