Chapter 10 - Misfortune or Just Her

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'She's okay.'

'She better be.'

'She's okay!'

'She better be!'

Wren's eyes opened an inch. Her vision was blurry. She couldn't remember anything. Voices - familiar voices - was heard.

'What was that all about?'

'Wren went to the West Wing and things are not looking great for her now -'

And then Wren remembered. All her thoughts came flooding back, no matter how much she wanted them not to. She wanted to tell them go away, to never come back, never disturb her ...

But she couldn't.

She opened her eyes.

'I'm ... okay,' she mumbled feebly.

Jake and Ladislaya rushed to her side. Ladislaya threw her arms around her neck. 'You're okay!' she said, relieved.

'You're okay,' Jake repeated.

'I'm okay,' Wren said, half-smiling.

'What is going on?' Ladislaya said, sinking onto Wren's bed. Wren figured she was in the school hospital wing.

'It was ... I don't ... Will they -?'

'Shh,' Ladislaya pressed. She could almost guess what Wren was saying. 'I don't think they'll expel you though - considering you've just been attacked.'

'Yeah, being a royal also has some advnatages,' Jake said, grinning. 'Anyway, how are you feeling?'

'I'm okay. Better than okay. I just ... I don't want to think about it. It makes me sick.'

'It must've been horrible,' Ladislaya whispered. 'Who did ... this though?'

Wren brought herself up higher on the pillows. 'It was this hooded figure. He called himself the Perilous. You guys ever heard of him? Because if he's a villain and everyone knows him and his deeds, then likelier the chance is of me clearing my name -'

Both Jake and Ladislaya shook their heads no. Wren groaned.

'This is depressing,' she moaned.

'We're just waiting for the results,' Jake said, equally anxiously. He was wringling his hands wildly. 'The magicians arrived and they're inspecting the dagger he used. He could've sliced you in half Carrots. They're going to check that it wasn't your dagger - not like it is, but they're just checking. If there are no fingerprints or mind-telepathy traces, you're gonna be fine.'

'Mind telepathy isn't one of my abilities!' Wren said angrily, sitting up straight. Ladislaya and Jake protested at once.

'Shane says you've got to have some rest -'

'Who is Shane?'

'You have to sit back down -'

'Who is Shane?'

'You're in the Palace hospital wing,' Jake said impatiently. 'Shane's kind of like the doctor here to treat your wounds. You've got a lot of nasty cuts,' he said, shaking his head.

Wren was too worried to say anything. She wasn't the one with the dagger. The memory was vivid in her mind. She didn't do it. She didn't do anything.

As if reading her thoughts, Ladislaya curled her hand into Wren's. 'It's okay. I'm sure they'll find nothing. Who was that person you said did the ... the thing again?'

'The Perilous,' Wren said, feeling her anger rise up in her throat. She cursed, and Ladislaya flinched. Jake didn't. 'I swear, he was some hooded dude and he could produce some stupid black ribbons or something. He attacked me! Like legit attacked me! He sent me flying against the wall and it was like ... like we'd met before. The way he said it. He even knew my name! Why does he know my name?'

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