10. Can I kiss you?

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CW: NSFW, "first times" with a man, not really- you'll get it. 20k words in and you're finally getting something spicy you dirty dogs/j. Max gets embarrassed, Charles helps. Angsty talks and vibes before hand very briefly.

Max Verstappen

The next day, standing outside of Charles' door around five pm- he feels heavy. Max isn't even sure where he wants to start and what to say. He knows what he feels and he knows what he wants- but where to start and making sure not to miss anything- makes him feel both stressed and nervous. He's been nervous all day, feeling like time was passing quickly and way too slowly at the same time as he waited for their agreed upon time.

Still he dares to knock. He's in his raincoat and has just folded up his umbrella- outside the rain is pouring- winter seemingly having started to make itself known in Monaco. But Max didn't very much mind, back home he knew it was probably already snowing. He doesn't get to hold that thought for too long though before Charles is opening his door and Max smiles a little at the sight of him.

"Hey..." Charles says softly and god Max realizes how much he's missed the others voice. He steps in, taking off his shoes and jacket before he's coming to turn back to Charles- taking in the sight of him. He's in sweats and a t-shirt, looking relaxed but also not too dressed down. No Max likes the look of him in normal casual clothes- always missing it when out and always in their team gear or whatever fancy brands.

"Thanks for letting me come over... I wouldn't have wanted you to come to mine, it's a mess." Max lies, just wanting to have the option to leave whenever if things got... bad. He'd much rather do that than kick Charles out like it some drama series or stupid book.

"That's okay, I like it when you come over." Charles says before shutting the door behind Max. His whole apartment smells of vanilla and spices- Max seeing the candles lit in the bigger open floorplan room of the living room and kitchen ahead. Charles begins to walk into it, so Max follows. He's too dressed down in joggers and a crewneck, comfortable as they sit down together on the cream colored couch.

There's a moment of silence where only the rain and the Tv on low volume can be heard- Charles reaches to turn down the volume even further and only once done comes to turn Max's way, both feet up on the couch with bent legs. Max too turns towards Charles- laying his phone off to the side on the coffee table, screen faced down to show he was listening.

Max can't help but to feel like the other looks sweet, very soft and comfortable- no gel in his hair and his clothes loose.

"You want to start? I don't want to begin if you have something you'd rather say first..." Charles says then, smiling just carefully and Max nods- he does want to go first but more so because he's afraid of forgetting something important.

"I want to just... start with saying that I'm not mad at you." Max says softly. "I'm just very confused and a little sad." It's the truth and Max doesn't want to say anything but the truth- taking a small breath before continuing. "When you messaged me last night I really wanted to say yes, come lay with you... not think about anything else. But Daniel was the one that told me not to."

Max can tell that Charles is worried- maybe even a little upset- his eyes not their usual stormy blue. No they're darker right now and Max tries not to look into them too much, afraid that they'll make it harder to speak.

"I saw you leave the club... with some man." Max rubs a hand up over his face with a sigh before continuing carefully. "It made me a little upset, maybe more confused than anything because I wasn't really sure why you did it? I guess I need to know what we're doing- if we're just friends or not. Deep down... somewhere, I think I'm wishing for more and so seeing you leave with that guy made me upset. Made Daniel tell me to take a break... to think, to reflect- and I have now."

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