ap y? (2)

19 3 2

The school hall

You watch a boy with sunglasses slowly walk past you staring you straight in the eyes before winking at you, a crowd of girls and boys are chasing after him screaming with literal hearts in all of their eyes. You walk past multiple doors until you reach a door with a golden tag

Principals Office

You push the door open to see a woman assistant and a man with short brown hair and black glasses

“You’re looking for classroom B1, correct?” The principal asks

"yes" I answer

“Your very interesting…most students are obnoxious and just a bunch of hooligans. Your very special and different from the others! Your class is on the second floor! You might run into the popular boy Hitoshi. He’s quite the troubled one. Very popular. Don't get on his bad side, we can’t do much about his bullying due to his families fortune." The principal warns

"Oh I see, okay.."

“He's a handful... He's bullied at least 20 people that we know of. We've asked him so many times to stop. But he never does. His mothers a politician in town and she doesn't let him get disciplined. Just.. Stay out of his way." The principal sighs heavily

"Yes, okay, then I'll excuse myself"

“Very well. I wish you the best of luck! You’ll definitely need it in this school..” The principal waves you out as you walk out into the hallway

I walked down the hall quietly, paying attention to my surroundings

The crowd starts whispering about you as they hear you walking.

“Who even is that?” 

“I think it’s that transfer student” 

“I wonder what he’s doing in this school. It's full of troublemakers and delinquents!” 

“Hmmm… He looks kinda cute… Maybe I should talk to him..."

I looked around, looking for the stairs to the second floor

You glance around as you see the stairs labeled in big red letters “**Second Floor”** next to you.

You head up the stairs as the hallway is packed completely full, you squeeze in through the crowd of people.

You hear a few of the boys and girls gossiping about you with a look of intrigue… 

"What's a guy like them here at this school?" 

"He's so cute…” 

"He's so... Different...”

I had difficulty getting through the crowded crowd, I continued to walk looking around looking for class B1

You push through the crowd until you find a classroom door labeled with a golden tag “**Class B1”**

You look behind you to find the whole crowd staring at you with mixed reactions. Some are swooned, some are jealous whilst others have a look of confusion.

The principal was right. You were definitely different…

Gosh what is this, I'm confused, why do they feel I'm different

The crowd of students were absolutely amazed by your presence. For some odd reason, you were definitely eye candy for them.

Girls and boys were fighting over you.

"Can I get your socials? Please?" A girl asked

"Can he be mine? I saw him first!!!" Another girl yells

As you approach the classroom door, you hear a deep voice of a boy yelling at someone.

Oh my, why is it like this? I'm just heading to class B1

You hear girls and boys whisper “How about we share him?”

You approach the classroom door as that boy is heard yelling at someone inside…

You pause in front of the door, hesitant about what could be on the other side. Yet, your curiosity gets the better of you…

I'm curious, what's behind it

You put your hand on the large golden handle of the classroom door…

You pause as you listen to the boy yelling inside, he must be really angry at whoever is in there.

Your curiosity takes over you, you push open the classroom door…

It turned out that when I opened the door, I was pushed because the crowd was trying to approach me

The whole crowd had followed you all the way over to the classroom door. Girls were fighting each other just to touch you. Boys were punching each other as if you were a prized possession.

You were pushed inside the classroom as the crowd tries to enter the room. As you look up, you see the boy you had heard yelling at someone. His voice had suddenly gotten quieter as he sees you…

I fell from the push, wincing slightly "Oh my God.."

The crowd is completely silent as they stare at you on the floor. Girls and boys are gasping in awe as the boy you had heard yelling steps into view.

His eyes meet yours as he looks down at you while you’re on the floor.

Silence fills the room as everyone stares at the two of you. Some people from the crowd are still pushing to enter the room.

The boy suddenly has a shocked look on his face.

Hmm, who is he? Was he the one who had been yelled?

He looks down at you on the floor, he's completely speechless as his jaw is dropped.

Girls in the crowd are literally melting at the sight of him looking over you.

A girl in the crowd yells "Ooooh!" whilst others groan.

The crowd pushes forwards so they can get a closer look at the both of you.

The boy stands over you.

You still can't tell if he's the one screaming at someone.

"Are you okay?" He asks quietly.


Udh dulu (⁠*⁠´⁠ω⁠`⁠*⁠) kata gue itu cewek-cewek nya pada gila, masa mau sama cewek jg? Yakali gue lesbiola

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