~|°~ The ballad of broken wings ~°|~

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Once there was a broken angel, whose body started rotting, but nobody could see and nobody could help, as their body rotted from the insides. By the side of this dark creature stood a Goddess. Her beauty mesmerised all the girls and all the men. She was Goddess of the Sun, so it was obvious that everybody loved her. Everybody worshipped her and kissed the ground on which she walked. The rotting angel on the other hand... People despised them most of the time. Few humans liked them before they started rotting, but no one ever did anything to prove that they actually like them. Noone did for them what they did for the Goddess. The angel started seeing some changes in the Goddess's behaviour after some time they met. The Goddess seemed more... nice, she was always nice, but after that particular moments, the angel started feeling ache in their rotting soul. They started feeling fear, that gut-wrenching-and-twisting fear. Their stomach squeezed any time that they looked at the Goddess, who just smiled at her. Angel was terrified because they felt care after a long time in their life, and it felt so strange, so distant, so... different. They noticed the little lights in Goddess's eyes when she smiled, the little soul connections without reason when they conversed, the little words and expressions that made angel's heart tense more and more. One day they started seeing more and more details, and one cold night when they were sitting together in a field they realised. The Goddess... loved the rotting angel. And the angel... They loved the Goddess back. And when they realised, when the thought occurred in their head, they started crying black tears of fear. They cried the whole night, next to the Goddess, who glowed with her gentle gold light. They confessed to the Goddess after some hours of them having this one-of-the-kind conversation and the Goddess said she felt the same way, which made the angel's heart only shatter more, but that she's not ready to call it a relationship yet, because of her own hidden fear, which made the angel's guts twist. After that... the broken angel started doing things for the Goddess. They started to show that they're hers and that they're different from all those others. They didn't kiss the ground that the Goddess walked on. Instead, they kissed her scars, cleaned the way she will yet walk on, and tried to talk about her problems with her. Meanwhile they hid her rotting heart and guts. But after a while, even after warnings, they broke down in organ problems. While they shaked, the Goddess caressed their back and said over and over again that it would be fine. But... it was never fine. They were breaking down again and again and again. They knew they were hurting her love with this, but they unfortunately couldn't help it. They tried with all their might to stay healthy, but they just couldn't. The Goddess never judged them. She stayed with them through everything they were dealing with. She didn't really know how to help, and she was anxious about it, but the angel didn't mind, they were just happy that the Goddess stayed with them and that they could still see those lights in her eyes, that they could feel those souls connections being stronger, despite their distance being, bigger, bigger, and not seeming to be smaller. They talked less every day, but both of them understood. They always did. They always found a way to overcome it all. Sometimes the angel's organ problems hit stronger than usual and they thought it was the last time they was talking with her love, because the Goddess seemed to distance herself more. They knew it wasn't their fault or anything, but they still felt the ache of their injuries. The Goddess reassured them when they needed to, but the angel still felt awful, as they were dying and were scared that her love would never show them off by herself. That she would never share them with the world and tell everyone: "That angel is mine. And I'm their. They might be a little ill, but we'll go over this together, because I love them. I love them. And they love me. They are the love of my immortal life and I want them to be the death of me, to take the only thing that can kill us both and end my life, as they will be the last sight I take in ,their breath being the last one I mix my own with, colour of their eyes the last colour I register, and their lips the last thing I taste." It was just their own fear, so they didn't share it any time it bothered them, because they didn't want to fill the Goddess's days only with their illness. They were sure that they would die of their illness one day. They were really sure of it. And they felt they didn't have time to spend their life to fullest with their love, so their started saying how they appreciate her and how they love her and how she's perfect in every way possible. Out of fear. That was the starter of it all too. Sounds familiar?

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