#1 - KOREA

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 Kim Hye-Ji (nyla) settled on the airplane seat, putting her back pack on the floor in front of her with a sigh

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... Kim Hye-Ji (nyla) settled on the airplane seat, putting her back pack on the floor in front of her with a sigh. She was finally leaving Japan. She didn't think she'd miss it. The only thing She'd miss about the place is that Sakura is there, the girl who'd always been there for her, the girl who took care of her more than her own father. Sakura took her to the airport earlier that day and gave her the biggest hug, telling her they would call everyday. Hye-ji knew they would. She couldn't live without talking to Sakura, she's the only person that she can talk to freely. Maybe she'd make more friends in Korea, maybe she wouldn't. It didn't matter to her that much, she just wanted to debut.

Hye-ji watched the clouds pass while listening to music. Many thoughts crossed her mind but only one stuck. What if she failed? What if after all this time and effort it didn't work out? What if it was all for nothing? The thoughts overwhelmed her to the point where her neck started to burn and she couldn't sit still. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes, focusing on clearing her mind and breathing. After a few minutes she felt better and went back to watching the clouds, not letting her mind slip to that place again.

After a few hours she had landed in Korea. Quickly she left the airport and got into a taxi, which she asked to take her to the JYPE building. Within an hour she was standing outside the company, taking in the tall building with wide eyes. She gripped onto her back pack straps and closed her eyes for a moment before she walked into the building. She walked in while looking around the lobby. Everything was so different from what she imagined "Hello, are you a new trainee?" Hye-Ji turned around to find a nice looking lady that was carrying a clipboard
"Yes" she answered, turning completely to face the woman "do you know where I'm meant to go?"
"Yep" she smiled "you have to follow me, I'm here to show you around"
"Oh, thank you" Hye-Ji said, smiling Politely "oh um, my name is Kim Hye-Ji" she said when the two fell into silence
"I know" The lady chuckled "your name is on this paper, along with many other things" she said, looking down at the paper "now, follow me" The woman began walking in the other direction, leaving Hye-Ji to follow.

Over the next two hours the staff member had shown the girl all over the company building and had also gone over the many many rules she would have to follow. Most of which Hye-Ji didn't agree with but as the staff said "you follow them or you'll have to leave the company" After she'd been shown around the building the woman took Hye-Ji to her dorm "lucky for you, your roommate left the trainee programme which means you get a room all to yourself for the time being"
"Oh, cool" Hye-ji nodded, walking into the room and putting her back pack on her bed. The room had bunk beds, a mini fridge, a sink and microwave, then a very small bathroom to the right of the room
"If you need anything, you can come to me, I'm basically everywhere" she said "bye and good luck"
"Thank you" the woman closed the door, leaving Hye-Ji alone in the small room. To be honest Hye-ji kind of wanted a room mate, without one is seemed lonely and she'd been lonely for too long.

Immediately, she started to unpack her back pack. Inside she had a few pieces of clothing and a few other things. She didn't really know what to pack. She was a 11 year old girl without any kind of parent to help her. She just packed what she would if she was going to Sakura's house for a sleepover. After she'd unpacked everything the room still looked really empty. She'd need decorations but she didn't have any money. She wondered how she'd get some, her dad wouldn't send her any and she didn't even speak to her mom. She'd have to get a job. Are 1
11 year olds even allowed to work? She didn't think so but she was quite persuasive. She picked her phone up and went on her notes app, she typed in 'get money ' and turned her phone off. After a few minutes she started drifting off to sleep, all the walking had tired her out so she quickly fell asleep, dreaming of her future in Korea

STARGIRL   | SKZ 9th memberWhere stories live. Discover now