#22 - LEE KNOW

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Over the past few days the group had been working really hard so the staff and ceo decided that they deserved a day off. They don't usually get days off so all of them were very excited. A few of the members were going to visit their family and others went to visit their friends or go on a mini trip somewhere. However nyla had no where to go. Jun Han and Jungwon were too busy practicing to do anything and Sakura was busy with preparing for her groups new comeback. So she didn't really have anywhere to go.

The night before their day off all of the members were sitting in nyla's room. For some reason they just all decided that they loved nyla's room, probably because it was the cleanest "are you guys excited to have a break?" Han asked from the floor beside nyla's bed
"I am so excited" hyunjin exclaimed "even though it's only a day"
"I'm gonna miss you all" Changbin fake sobbed, sniffing loudly
They all laughed "you're so dramatic" Seungmin smiled
"So you won't miss us?" Chan asked him with a smile
Seungmin shook his head while smiling "I'm glad to be getting away from you, honestly"
The others chuckled and all started yelling at him. However nyla just sat on her bed, watching them with a small smile.
After they all stopped yelling I.N spoke up "I'm actually really excited to see my family though" he said "I haven't seen them in a while"
All of them but nyla, Felix and bang chan agreed. Since chan and Felix's parents were in Australia they were going to spend tomorrow together and visit a bunch of places they've always wanted to see.
Nyla didn't tell them that she was going to be alone tomorrow. She didn't want anyone to change their plans or feel bad for her, so she just stayed quiet.

Lee know noticed how she wasn't speaking as much as she usually did and how she wasn't laughing as much, so he kept an eye on her all throughout the conversation. He saw how after a while she seemed to be really tired and just kind of upset "guys" he said "I think we should let Nyla get some sleep now" he said, standing up. The others followed his lead and all stood up. They all said good night and left, but lee know stayed "lala, are you okay?" He asked, sitting beside her on her bed
She breathed in and nodded "yeah" she said with a small smile
He looked at her and could tell she was lying "nyla, I can tell your lying" he sighed "tell me"
She exhaled and looked at the ceiling "I have no where to go tomorrow" she told him "everyone's busy and I don't speak to my parents, so"
He nodded and looked at her "you can come with me, my parents would love to meet you"
She shook her head "I don't want to intrude" she said "seriously, I don't mind staying here. I can draw or practice, honestly I'm okay"
"Nyla, I wouldn't ask you if I didn't want you to come" he smiled "I would love if you came with me tomorrow, you could meet my cats" he exclaimed with a smile
Nyla nodded and smiled back at him "thanks, Minho" she said "but honestly I don't mind staying here "
"Nyla, I want you to come with me" he said "okay?"She nodded and smiled at him "I'll wake you up tomorrow, like normal" he told her "but get some sleep now"
"Okay, thank you" she said "night, Minho"
"Goodnight, lala"

Just like he said lee know woke nyla up at around 5am. They wanted to get to lee know's house quite early so they could spend as much time there as possible. Nyla quickly got ready and made sure she looked nice. She wore baggy jeans and a black vest top that had a red flower design on the side. Nyla put on a baggy leather jacket with it, put her hair in two braids and then put on her favorite necklace.

She left her room and put her shoes on, sitting down on the couch as Lee know put his shoes on "how are you feeling?" Lee know asked her
She looked at him "I'm excited" she said honestly "I can't wait to meet your cats"
He chuckled and nodded "they might be a bit shy at first but they'll warm up after a while"
Nyla nodded "I've always wanted a cat" she told him
He looked at her "why didn't you get one?" He questioned
She inhaled "we were going to but then my dad kind of forgot about it" she shrugged "I used all my money to buy a bed and toys, but he just never did anything about it. I thought it would be able to bring us closer together but, I don't know, it was stupid"
Lee know watched as the sadness of the memory gleamed in her eye but immediately left, and it upset him. Everytime she said something about her past he felt like he had to protect her more.
"Well now my cats can be your cats as well" he smiled, opening the door "you're basically my sister so" he shrugged with a warm smile
She smiled at the ground and nodded "yeah"

They took the train to the house. It didn't take that long but nyla managed to have a nap on the way. After the train they walked to his house, the older boy pointing out all the places he used to visit when he was younger
"I used to hang out there all the time when I was your age" he told her, pointing to a playground
She chuckled "why are you saying that like it was millions of years ago" she said with a smile "you're only 5 years older than me"
He sighed "when I was 15 you were 10" he said "eh, its still quite big"
"I guess" she shrugged. The two finished the walk to his house.

Nyla watched as lee knows face lit up when he walked into his house. It made her smile. She waited as Lee know said hi to his mom, watching the close bond they shared with bright eyes. Deep down she wished she had a relationship with her parents like that, but it would never happen so there was no point in wishing.
"Hi, you must be Hye-Ji" his mom greeted with a warm smile. Nyla could now tell where Lee know got his smile from "its so nice to meet you" she said, opening her arms for a hug
Nyla smiled at her and nodded "its really nice to meet you too" she said, accepting the hug
"Wow, you smell really nice" his mom said as she stepped back
Nyla smiled brightly "thank you" she said "your house is so beautiful" she noted while looking around
"Ah, no it isn't" his mom chuckled, waving the comment away while walking towards the kitchen "it's mess usually"
Nyla laughed and walked towards where Lee know was standing "what are you doing?" She asked, stepping towards him as he was bent down in front of a car toy
"I'm trying to get the cats to come out" he said quietly "they do this whenever I come back"
Nyla nodded and sat on the floor beside him, watching him try to get them out. As soon as nyla sat down one of the three cats appeared out of nowhere and started to rub against her arm "Minho" she exclaimed quietly "do I stroke it?" She asked, not knowing what to do "also who is it?"
Lee know chuckled "that's Dori and yes you stroke him" he said
Nyla nodded and cautiously started to pet the cat, immediately it stretched closer to her and settled on her lap "aww" nyla whispered, looking down at the grey cat
"Aw, Dori's taken a liking to you" his mom said as she walked back into the room "usually he's a bit shy" Lee know nodded at his moms statement and then went back to playing with the two other cats.

The three spent the rest of the day talking about future plans of the group and what it's like being idols. Over the course of the day lee know's mom had become very fond of nyla. She loved how she was herself and that she didn't pretend to be anyone. She could tell nyla was confident and strong but also kind and polite. They ate dinner and then got ready to leave "I had a really nice time today" nyla said after lee know said bye "thank you for having me"
Lee know's mom hugged nyla tightly "it was a pleasure" she smiled "you're an amazing girl, Hye-Ji. And you're welcome here anytime"
Nyla smiled and nodded "thank you" she said "can I go say bye to the cats again?" She asked. Over the few hours nyla and really bonded with the three cats but mostly Dori
"Of course" his mom laughed. Nyla chuckled and walked towards the room, stroking the cats when she found them. After a few seconds she started waking back to the door, overhearing a conversation
"She's only 15, Minho" his mom said "she's too young to be an idol, I don't want people to hurt her. The industry is going to destroy her, Minho"
"Mom, I promise you it won't" Minho told her "me and all the others are there for here and honestly she is the strongest person I've ever met, if anyone can do this, it's her"
His mom nodded and inhaled "just take care of her, okay?"
"I will" Minho said, hugging his mom again. Nyla breathed in and out before turning the corner. Her and lee know left after a few more minutes and made their way to the train station.

It took a while for them to get back to the dorm and just like the way there nyla fell asleep. When they got back to the dorm nyla showered and then went straight to bed, but of course she got interrupted. Suddenly all of the boys stormed into her room, cheering and screaming "what the hell?!" She exclaimed, sitting up "what's going on?" She asked
The boys just continued to cheer and scream. Nyla groaned before reluctantly standing up and cheering with them. All of them got louder upon her joining and then suddenly stopped "wanna watch a movie?" Felix asked her, as they all stood there
"Sure" she shrugged. All of them then went to the living room and sat on the couch, picking a movie to watch.

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