#4 - JUN HAN

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Hye-Ji had just left her room, messaging Sakura 'I'm leaving now, but i'll call you when i get back. I'll be quick because i miss you!' She began walking down the corridor, putting her phone in her pocket. She stared at the floor as it passed beneath her feet. Suddenly, she heard a groan coming from in front of her. She looked up and found a boy attempting to carry a suitcase, guitar case and a back pack. She watched him struggle for a second, thinking of her next move. She took a deep breath and stepped forward "Do you need help?" she asked, looking down at him
"No, it's okay" The boy said quietly, trying to lift the things up again "my dorms just there, I can do it"
"Let me help" she said more firmly "you're gonna hurt yourself or you're gonna break something" she sighed, moving beside him and picking the guitar case up "which way is it?" She questioned
He looked at the ground and pointed left "this way" he muttered. Hye-ji nodded and walked towards his room
"What's your name?" She asked, trying to stop the silence
"Jun-Han" he answered, still looking at the floor "yours?"
"I'm Hye-Ji" she told him, looking forward "how old are you?"
"14" he answered, lifting his head up slightly
"I'm 13" she said "does that means we can be friends?" She didn't know what made her say this. There conversation had only really been awkward, but there was something about him she was drawn to
The question seemed to have shocked the boy because it took him a while to respond "yeah" he nodded "I would like that" he said, smiling softly
"Cool" she nodded "this your room?"
"Yeah" He said, putting the key in the door and trying to turn it "it's not turning?" He said, looking at her
"Let me try" she stepped towards the door and fiddled with the key for a second, within a few seconds the door opened "there, you just have to move it around a bit"
"Thank you" he said, walking into his room, pulling the suitcase behind him "have you been here long?"
"Since 2014" she told him "I moved here when I was 11"
"Oh" He sighed "alone?"
"Mhm" she nodded, desperate to change the subject "so your guitar" She said, tilting her head to the side "are you going to be in a band?"
"Hopefully" he said, sitting on the bed "what about you?"
"I can't play any instruments, so" she sighed "I'm a singer and a dancer. But I would love to be able to play guitar or something"
"Maybe I could teach you" he suggested with a smile
"Really?" She exclaimed with a smile "could you really?
"Yeah" he said, chuckling at her enthusiasm "we could start today, I don't have anything else to do"
"Yeah, okay" she smiled, sitting beside him on his bed. She knew she had to practice today but this seemed more fun, and it gave her to opportunity to make a friend.

The two spent the rest of the afternoon talking and playing guitar. Hye-ji had picked up some of the basics quickly. Jun-Han checked the time and stood up "I have to go" she sighed, looking down at the boy "I had a really fun time" she smiled
"So did I" he nodded, smiling at her "you're a natural"
"Thank you" she beamed, going quiet for a second "wait a second" she sighed, picking up a piece of paper and taking a pen out of her pocket. She wrote down her number and gave it to him "this way we can plan when we can meet up" she said, handing him the note
"Oh yeah" he said, putting the paper on his desk "I'll message you when I'm free" he said with a smile
Hye-ji nodded and walked towards the door. She opened it but turned back "I think we're going to be really good friends" she told him with a warm smile
He was silent for a moment but then spoke up "I do too"

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