15. Swanky First Date

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Today's song: This Summer's Gonna Hurt Like a Motherfucker - Maroon 5

See end of chapter for more notes


The two ended up going to a swanky, 5-star French restaurant thirty miles away from Kevin's house for their first official date. Even though Aleks insisted and pushed that he would pay for himself, Kevin was a stubborn bastard, and wanted to act gentlemanly, and so this date would be his treat. Kevin had gone overboard, ordering matching Armani tuxes for the two of them. Aleks kept scratching at the uncomfortable collar, and fiddling with his fingers. Usually, when he ate at fancy restaurants it was because his mother was too lazy to cook dinner for them. He'd never gone to such a high-end date.

"Good evening gentlemen," the two looked up to see a smiley waitress, her lipstick startlingly red against her creamy skin, and platinum blond hair pulled tight into a low bun. Even the staff at this restaurant looked snobby.

"Have you made up your mind on anything? I highly recommend the grilled lobster. It's the chef's special, absolutely delicious," the waitress made a lip smacking gesture with her hands, all the while still looking professional.

Aleks recognized the lobster as one of the most expensive dishes available on the menu. Kevin smiled politely back at her, used to this kind of treatment.

"Okay, then we'll have one of that, and..." Kevin raised his eyebrows at Aleks.

"Oh, uh, I'll have a Coquilles Saint-Jacques, thank you," Aleks smiled politely at the waitress, who noted down their orders, and said she'd soon return with a glass of sparkling water for them. What a fancy name for scallops.

"So, like, what happened to watching a movie and eating popcorn?" Aleks quirked an eyebrow at Kevin, running a finger up and down the candle standing on the table between them.

Kevin shrugged, an uncaring expression on his face.

"Next time, I promise. The food here is good, try it. Plus you look hot in that tux, seriously, I'm gonna start ordering more tuxes for you babe," Kevin winked at Aleks, whose cheeks turned pink immediately.

"Shut the fuck up, Kevin. The food here is expensive. I can pay for myself, by the way, you don't have to put up an act or whatever," Aleks started tapping at the candle holder.

"But I want to. Let me do what I want, and enjoy the food okay?"

Aleks frowned.



After some short conversation, the grilled lobster and hard-to-pronounce scallops arrived. Their strict waitress refilled their glasses with more sparkling water, although honestly the both of them thought it tasted like shit and was overwhelmingly pretentious.

The lobster was huge, and looked absolutely delicious, just as the waitress had promised, and the scallops were well decorated, a display that made Aleks' stomach grumble quietly. They dug into their expensive meals.

"This lobster is fucking good," Kevin said, dabbing delicately at his lips. "You should've gotten it. How's your clams?"

"They're scallops, not clams," Aleks took a sip of the bitter, up-his-nose water. "And they're, yeah okay, they're really good."

"Whatever, they have shells and come from the ocean," Kevin shrugged, "and I told you the food here is good."

"I still prefer movies and popcorn over this," Aleks retorted. Kevin should be a pain in the ass, but somehow even that was endearing to Aleks.

"Jesus Christ, next date, I promise we'll do that romantic, cliché, home-date thing you seem so excited and hyped about, okay?" Kevin laughed, reached up with a hand to stroke Aleks' cheek.

"Whatever the princess wants," Kevin smirked at his boyfriend.

"I'm a boy for fuck's sake."

"Okay okay, whatever the prince wants."

Aleks' face turned red, and he looked down at his half-finished scallops. Who gave this asshole the right to do this to me?!

"How are you just so fricking cute?" Kevin resisted the urge to just flip the damn table over and caress Aleks' face with both his hands.

"How are you just so fricking annoying?" Aleks stuck his tongue out, but his cheeks and ears were a deep shade of pink, which Kevin dutifully noticed.

The couple continued to finish their meal in silence, with the occasional comment on some new gossip or rumor running around their school.


"You're like, 900% sure you don't want me to pay you back?" Aleks fingered the leather wallet in his pocket, ready to pay for his meal, which Kevin had too generously treated him to. Kevin only chuckled.

"You've asked that like at least twenty times this whole night. Yes, I'm sure you don't have to, for God's sake," Kevin opened the door for Aleks, who stepped out hesitantly, unsure about how polite Kevin was being.

"I don't know, I feel bad about it. Plus this is cliché as fuck."

"This is cliché but movies and popcorn isn't?" Kevin shook his head. "At least it was romantic."

"Whatever. I mean, yeah. I mean, uh, yeah. It was very romantic," Aleks stammered, then turned so Kevin couldn't see his face, even though it was so dark out.

"You know me babe, I won't do anything---" Kevin was cut off suddenly to Aleks jerking his arm and shoving him forward and into his car. Two seconds later, the door beside him slammed shut, and Aleks was in the seat next to him, hunched over, peeking out the tinted windows.

Kevin stared at his boyfriend with wide eyes, "babe, what the fuck was that?!"

But Aleks didn't answer. He was still busy looking out the car window, his mouth open in a small o, fingers fiddling with the seat belt buckle. Kevin frowned, then looked out the window to see for himself what the fuck Aleks was looking at.


No response.

Outside, a tall man in a black leather jacket was walking into the restaurant, a confident arm around the shoulders of a curvy woman with flowing blond hair, and a bouncing chest. Her dress was tight, and just barely reached over her butt. Even from within the vehicle, Kevin could see the cocky wealth and arrogance on the man, and the selfish, money-thirsty mind in the woman.

Kevin looked back at Aleks. Did Aleks know these people...?

"Aleks, are you okay? Babe, answer me, is it that couple outside?" Kevin shook Aleks' shoulder, "babe, answer me!"

Aleks turned to look at him, eyes lowered. He pointed at the man.

"That... that's my dad."

Kevin gulped. Oh.

Aleks had mentioned his dad, and his parents' divorce before. Kevin understood how isolated Aleks was from his parents, not unlike Kevin himself, really. What Kevin didn't know was that Aleks' dad was actually loaded, and still pretty good-looking. The two of them peered out the window at the couple.

The two of them turned to face each other. Aleks' dad grinned, then leaned down to kiss the woman passionately, grabby hands reaching down to tighten around her small waist.

Wait. Kevin frowned, then leaned forward, against the protest of his squashed boyfriend.

Wait, I know that woman.

The couple pulled away from the kiss, and the woman opened her eyes, smiled back at the man.

Holy shit.

The woman was Shelly. His stepmother.


And now the plot has officially started. Ah yes, part two of my little babies adventure <3 muahahaha they thought confessing their love was the big issue muahahahaha idek lol. I hope you enjoyed reading this, and if you did, remember to leave a vote and comment, and follow me for more!! :)

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