Chapiter 31

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Wilmer POV :

I'd acted like the biggest asshole. I don't know why I'd taken what Demi had said when she was drunk so seriously, but I wanted to make her pay. That's why I brought Ryan over, I knew she didn't like him too much and I wanted to embarrass her as much as she had embarrassed me. I wasn't proud of myself, I'd behaved like a teenager and I'd taken the woman I love most in the world to the hospital. All because of me. Before she fainted, it was as if she couldn't breathe, she was suffocating, just like when we first met... I had promised myself never to make her suffer and always to make sure that her beautiful smile was the only thing that would delight her face. And I had failed. I'd crossed the line and I don't know if she'd ever forgive me. When I slid Ryan's hand over her skin, I already knew I was making a monumental mistake. But I didn't expect her reaction. It was as if I'd reached a point of no return, and the firmness and speed in her voice as she ordered him to leave still sent shivers down my spine... there I was, at the bedside of her hospital bed, watching her sleep and hoping she'd wake up any minute.
- Mr. Valderrama?! A nurse said as she entered the room.
- I'd like to ask you a few questions.
- Yes, of course, go ahead.
- Well, all we know at the moment is that she collapsed, but to understand a little better we'd need to know what she was doing when it happened.
- hm... we were arguing... then she started crying and... she fell... I said, struggling to finish my sentence.
- I see... if I'm not mistaken, it must be an emotional shock. Sometimes when the mind doesn't speak, the body does. But don't worry, tomorrow morning she'll already be ready to go out normally. She just needs a good night's sleep and to avoid stressful activities...


Demi had just moved her arm and a few seconds later, her eyelids opened. Tears of joy stream down my face as I approach her.

- Demi... I was so scared. I'm so sorry. I love you so much. I say, taking her hands in mine.
- I... I love you too, but don't touch me. She says softly.
- The doctors said you had an emotional shock, probably because of our fight and the stress... if you knew how much I hate myself Demi...
- I know you do.

The next day, Demi was already ready to go out. She signed the papers while I waited in the car. The drive home was silent, Demi staring out of the window while I chose some music.
- I can't wait to hear your music on the radio. I said to get her attention, but nothing, no answer.

Arriving home, Demi headed straight for the shower. When I heard the water had finished running, I went upstairs to join her.

- You scared me! she said, hiding her body with her hands.
- I'm sorry, I just... I just wanted to make sure everything was okay.
- Don't you have work to do?
- Yes, but I'd rather take care of you.
- You can go now.

Demi POV:

The days passed and I was still unable to tell Wilmer the truth. Every night I'd wake up with a start and have the same nightmare. Except this time, Ryan wasn't alone.

Wilmer had been perfect, taking care of me while giving me space and even offering to sleep in the guest room so as not to disturb me. I had to find what little strength I had left in me to explain. But how? Every one of his gestures or caresses frightened me and reminded me of Ryan. The only way to express myself was to write. So I picked up my phone, opened my notes, and kept writing and writing and writing.

- Demi? I'm disturbing you. Wilmer said as he entered the office.
- No, I was just writing.
- I can't wait to hear it one day. he said with a smile. What do you want to eat?
- Hm... I don't know... I'm not very hungry, do what you like. I say, lowering my head.
- Demi, you've hardly eaten in 3 days, you need to build up your strength.
- I know, but I just don't feel like it. I can't force myself. I say defensively.
- as you want. he says, closing the door slowly.
- Wilmer?
- Yes?
- I .. I think we need to talk.

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