Pufferfish Folk

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Pufferfish Folk
Curious aquatic humanoids with creative minds

Physical Description
Pufferfish Folk appear mostly human with patches of fish-like scales, dull and rounded ear fins, and the occasional coral protruding from their skin. They also take on gills, assisting them in breathing underwater, along with webbed hands and feet. Their scales and fins usually have natural pufferfish colours like grey, blue, yellow, white, and brown, but sometimes appearing dull red. Pufferfish Folk often harbour poison in their slightly pointed nails, causing their fingertips to appear off colour or blue.

Pufferfish Folk are descended from vast sea creatures and humanoids. Through selective diets and breeding, their ancestors have managed to maintain both beauty and lethality at their very fingertips. Pufferfish Folk commonly believe in aquatic gods, or simply pray to their ancestors.

By themselves, Pufferfish Folk live in small villages with no more than 100 members at a time. But, with larger cities with other aquatic races, Pufferfish Folk will take refuge in their own neighbourhoods. In the villages, there are many authority figures as citizens yearn for a sense of purpose and will take up basically any important role there is. As for Pufferfish Folk who deny society and leave the villages and cities, they commonly take occupations like oversea fishermen or pirating, depending on their morals.

Pufferfish Folk Names
Usually named after words with oceanic origins or environment. Pufferfish Folk can also acquire common human names after living in the oversea for a while.

Male names: Bayou, Caspian, Galleon

Female names: Pelago, Marina, Cordelia

Pufferfish Folk Traits
Evolution underwater and on the land has its perks.

Ability Score Increases. Your constitution score increases by two.

Age. Pufferfish Folk age and mature at the same rate as humans, but their lifespan tends to end at 120.

Alignment. Pufferfish Folk lean towards the neutral alignment

Size. Their height is the same as humans Your size is medium.

Speed. Your base walking and swim speed is 30 feet.

Languages. You can speak, read, and write common and aquatic.

Poisonous Strike

You can make an unarmed attack with your nails, digging them into the opponent's skin, dealing an additional 1d6 poison damage to the hit. This can be used up to whatever number your proficiency bonus is and all slots are refuelled after a long rest.

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