Chapter 3

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I stare out of the train window blankly as Doran sits opposite of me. He cant be more than 13 years old, though his scrawny appearance makes him appear younger. Tears stain his cheeks, and though he seems to be done crying now, he still lets out a few sniffles. We still haven't spoken a word to each other since boarding. We were put into the back part of the luxurious cabin and told to sit and wait. I can't fully appreciate the decor, since it feels like my ears are filled with cotton and my vision cant fully focus on anything. 

Hadrian came in for a bit, but since neither of us wanted to talk, and talking is his favorite thing to do, he opted to leave to a different part of the train. We should be in the Capital by tomorrow morning. That's what Hadrian said before leaving the room.

I think of my father as I stare at the greenery passing through the window, fidgeting with the small shell in my hand. I wonder how his life will be after this. The perfect tragedy; losing his wife and unborn child the same day, then years later losing the only other family he has. I hope that the Odair's will take care of him the same way they took care of us after my mother passed. 

I'm taken out of my thoughts as I hear different voices from outside of the door, one of them seeming familiar

"I have to see her." says the loudest voice. I instantly recognize it as the door opens and I stand quickly. 

I'm met with Finnick, a look of absolute heartbreak on his face. We stare at each other for a moment, before he is quickly making his way through the train car to me, catching me in a tight hug, and I hug back just as tightly. I notice for a moment that  three others victors stand watching in the doorway for a moment before the door slides shut in front of them, a look of surprise and almost sadness on their faces. 

I squeeze my eyes shut as Finnick still hugs me. No words are being spoken, but a lot is being said. 

He finally pulls away, looking at me. "Are you okay?" he asks quietly

God, it feels like forever since I've heard his voice. 

I nod a bit, still unable to actually speak. I watch him scan over my face a bit, knowing that he is trying to analyze my emotions, he's always been quite good at it. "I'm fine." I say quietly, though my voice doesn't come out as strong as I would have hoped. 

I watch him survey my face more, the look of distress in his eyes. 

"I didn't think it'd be you." He says weakly, hands still gripping my biceps. 

I almost scoff a bit as I try to make words come out of my mouth. "I didn't either." I manage to get out. He almost smiles, as if either of us could find humor in this. 

The door leading into the train car flies open again, as three women, victors, enter. 

"Reunions over." One of them says while approaching us, she tan skin almost seems to be glistening naturally, and her black hair is neatly in a slick ponytail while the end cascades down her back. She appears youthful at first glance, but looking closer you can see a few fine wrinkles in the creases of her eyes, and although glowing, her skin shows some age. "You asked for three minutes, we gave you three minutes."

"Muscida, please." Finnick says, still standing in front of me, but dropping his hands from my arms. 

"We only have until tomorrow morning to prep them for the hell-site that is the Capital. We need to get them both prepped on what to expect for their first day." The woman, Muscida, says, as she makes herself comfortable on one of the chairs.

"Language." the other woman mumbles, almost stumbling a bit as she makes her way to one of the couches along the side of the train, almost seemingly drunk. She earns a bit of a glare from Musdica but she turns her attention back to Finnick. 

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