the beginning

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as most know, the sun and the moon are lovers. its a tale, quite literally, as old as time. the sun (he) typically represents life, raw energy, and positivity. while the moon (they) represents enlightenment, raw emotion, and change. the two complete each other, and have created a never-ending cycle of balance in life. without day, there is no night. and without night, there is no day.

fearing that one day the two would die out; the universe (she, the divine mother) decided to create copies of them. both the sun, and the moon, each offered to give one half of their souls to create these copies; so that they could live on forever, and love each other forever.

the universe warned them that reincarnation takes your memory; and that the copies would have to find each other and fall in love on their own. but the sun and the moon however, were not afraid. you see, they didn't want to imagine a life where they weren't intertwined; and they knew that their souls would find each other again in due time. no soul could forget a love as powerful as theirs.

after some consideration, the universe decided that the moon's soul would be placed in the body of a wolf. wolves were the moon's #1 worshipper (other than the sun of course), and sang to them every night; so it only made sense. the wolf created was a dark dusky-grey color that appeared almost charcoal; like the sky after sunset. and was gifted beautiful twilight eyes that held bright silver flecks; ones that glittered like the stars.

next, was the sun. the universe wanted an animal similar to a wolf so that the copies could understand each other, but was having trouble figuring out which canine to pick. she searched the earth for a moment, before finding a mutt who could withstand the sun's blazing heat better than any other. the coyote; a desert dweller. she created one with a pale blonde coat and eyes of dark golden amber; a perfect replica of the suns warmest hues.

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