Chapter One

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Tears were running down his cheeks causing his vision to blur. He couldn't believe his eyes, it was so unreal. Jayy ran to Dahvie's side and held his fragile body against his as he continued to cry. Jayy wanted to feel relief as he saw Dahvie's chest continuing to rise and fall but he couldn't because his breathing was uneven. "Dahvie p-please don't leave m-me you're s-strong please I'm begging d-don't go" The paramedics had finally arrived and attempted to pull Jayy off of his best friend's unconscious body. He did let go but hesitated at first. The paramedics placed Dahvie on the gurney and wheeled off into the truck, doing as much as they could to keep him alive. Jayy was permitted to come along in the ambulance, he tried to hold back his tears but it was difficult to see someone he loves on the verge of death all because he did not pay close attention. Jayy did not want to point any fingers but he wanted to blame it on the female Dahvie was with before Jayy found him. Jayy was not sure what came over him when the sight of Dahvie and a random girl kissing revealed itself in front of his very eyes. He didn't know what to feel then but his actions even took Jayy by surprise. It was unexpected of Jayy to pick a fight with a female for kissing his best friend but he couldn't help it. Jayy and the female argued with one another instead of paying attention to the drunk Dahvie making his way onto the busy street. Next thing any of them knew Dahvie was hit and to Jayy it felt as if his entire world just collapsed. Tire screeches were heard, blood was spilled, a crowd was forming, and the only way Jayy could react was to cry. It was rare to see Jayy broken down in tears but when one sees what he did happen to their loved one, only a heartless being would not cry. The paramedics in the ambulance had rushed Dahvie into the emergency room while two accompanied Jayy into the waiting area. They left him alone as he waited hoping Dahvie was alright, that he would make it through with no harm but considering how terrible Dahvie looked he knew hoping for no harm was a dream.

He'll make it through okay. Dahvie is strong I know he'll make it through alright.

The hours passed by without any news of his best friend's condition which worried Jayy more than he already was for Dahvie. It had gotten to the point that he could No longer cry, not because he wasn't sad he was beyond worried and sad but Jayy had been crying for hours. His eyes were red and puffy, not to mention hurt, he felt guilt and worry. His head was hurting and he felt tired too, oh so tired, but Jayy wanted to stay awake just in case he was given the okay to see Dahvie. Sadly his tired eyes won causing him to drift off into sleep. Sleep was no better. The memory replayed itself in his head as his guilt increased causing new tears to fall down Jayy's face. A light shove woke him up. Jayy wiped his cheeks and looked up at the doctor. The doctor appeared to have a forced smile on his face meaning bad news. Jayy's eyes widened as he stared at the doctor in disbelief. "N-No don't tell me m-my Dahvie i-is dead. H-He can't be!" The doctor tried his best to calm down Jayy but he would not calm down because of the thought of Dahvie dead was too much to handle.

"Sir, your friend is not dead but if you allow me to explain-" The receptionist brought over a box of tissues which the doctor took, thanking her as she returned to her desk. He offered Jayy the tissues. Jayy took a few and when he finally calmed down enough he looked at the doctor, ready to listen properly without jumping to conclusions again. "We can talk privately if you'd like or we can continue here. It's your choice" Jayy stood up, holding the box of tissues, and followed the doctor through the hallway. Jayy wondered how Dahvie was since the doctor had told him Dahvie is not dead. He's alive! That brought a smile on Jayy's face and a bit of relief but not enough to stop him from worrying. The doctor led Jayy into a small office with a desk and some chairs. Jayy sat opposite the doctor as the man kept a sympathetic smile on his face. "Mr. Torres is-"

"H-He prefers Dahvie" The doctor nodded and wrote something down on a piece of paper. He showed the piece of paper to Jayy and saw the man's attempt at spelling Dahvie. Jayy corrected him on the spelling and wrote Vanity after, handing back the paper and pencil. The doctor read it and looked at Jayy.

"Dahvie Vanity?" Jayy nodded and placed the box of tissues on the desk. "I'll make sure to correct that on my paperwork but for now I will inform you of Dahvie's condition" Jayy nodded and motioned for him to continue. "I'll just start with this... he is still unconscious but alive. We had to give him blood, his right leg is broken, his left wrist is sprained, we had to add stitches to his head and wrap it, he has three broken ribs" the doctor sat up and folded his hands on top of the desk. "Basically what I'm trying to say is your friend Dahvie is in real bad shape but there's a high chance he can live and will be back to normal" Jayy was speechless but looked at the doctor, trying to process all of the information.

"What is the bad news? I can tell there is some bad news..." The doctor took off his glasses, cleaned them, and placed them on the desk.

"He needs to stay here longer than we originally thought because we are not certain if he lost memories or if he is perfectly fine. The blow to his head could be critical or it could be nothing to worry about. That is something we will have to wait to find out when Mr. Vanity awakes"

"That means there's a chance Dahvie might not remember who I am?"

"There is a possibility he doesn't even know who he is. Like I said he can be fine or he can wake up not knowing his friends, family, himself, past lovers, years of his life, or not remember all of it together. That is something we'll test once he is awake" Jayy sat back in his seat unsure of how to react. He was speechless, he wanted to cry yet couldn't, all Jayy wanted at that moment was to see Dahvie. He couldn't help but feel guilty. Maybe if Jayy payed attention to Dahvie instead of the girl he wouldn't be hurt. Oh fuck the tears are back!? "Would you like to see him? I'm not sure you'll like the sight of your friend hurt" Jayy thought about it for a second and nodded.

"I want to see him"

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