Chapter Three

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They spend a month and a half striving to return Dahvie's memory. The majority did return but Jayy continued to question Dahvie just in case they missed something. Jayy was careful with Dahvie and, even though he would not admit to it, overprotective. He would watch the doctors and nurses like a hawk if and when they moved Dahvie, replaced bandages, and  even when their friends came to visit. Dahvie found it cute that Jayy would be so protective but he figured it was because his best friend still felt guilty. "Are you sure you're not hungry?" Dahvie chuckled and nodded.

"Jayy, we just ate" He was gently slipping his hands through Dahvie's hair and smiled. Dahvie had a light blush on his cheeks, which he could not hide thanks to his best friend keeping his hair off of his face. The two were happily looking into the eyes of the other. He wanted to lean in and kiss his best friend but that is something he shouldn't do, it would be inappropriate... right? The butterflies were dancing in his stomach and he wished to lean in and kiss the beautiful man in front of him.

"I just don't want to be sitting here oblivious to what you're feeling is all" Dahvie couldn't have laughed harder which caused a look of confusion to appear on Jayy. He couldn't help himself but chuckle because Dahvie's happiness was contagious. He was beyond confused as to why Dahvie was laughing in the first place. It took awhile for the two to calm down from their fit of laughter.

"Jayy, I would tell you if I'm feeling hungry. You wouldn't be oblivious to it because I would tell you" Jayy smiled and they held each other's hand. Dahvie intertwined their fingers and smiled back at his best friend. It must be odd that I do not find this weird one bit. The two could have spent hours like that, and in fact they had been doing that a lot lately, but they quickly pulled apart when a nurse came into the room. Dahvie hid his blush with his hair while Jayy looked away to hide the pink shade upon his cheeks. The nurse found it odd that Jayy was not watching her every move like usual but shrugged it off as she inspected the machines. So close yet so far. He wanted to return home and they had been informed that there was a high probability this was their last week in the hospital. Jayy finally looked back only to watch as the nurse checked Dahvie's injuries over. She did her job quickly and left the room, leaving the two alone again. Dahvie was looking out the window and sighed, speaking softly. "Do you find it weird..?" Jayy slightly tilted his head and looked at Dahvie curiously.

"What do you mean?" There was silence but this wasn't their usual comfortable silence, this was the awkward, uncomfortable, silence one dreads while stuck in it. Dahvie finally spoke up in what felt like ages.

"We hold hands... we kiss each other's cheek, spend hours alone together, and blush who knows how many times a day..." Dahvie turned his gaze back to Jayy. There was an emotion in his eyes which Jayy couldn't figure out. "I know you mostly stay because you feel guilty but-"

"That is not why I stay. Dahvie I stay by your side because-"

"I know, because I'm your best friend" Jayy shook his head and reached for Dahvie's hands but stopped himself for once.

"Dahvie, I do it because if our situations were reversed I know you would do the same. I'll admit I continue to feel guilty and I do also stay because you're my best friend but Dahvie..." Jayy let out a sigh and sat back on his chair propping his arm onto the chair's armrest and placed his hand under his chin, looking away. "You wouldn't understand if I told you..." Dahvie reached for Jayy's hand and gave it a light squeeze.

"I want to though. Help me understand what you mean, Jayy" He turned to look at his best friend with wide eyes. "You never know, I might just understand what you mean but you have to give me a chance" He nodded and sighed. Jayy was debating whether or not it was a smart choice to tell his best friend what he had been thinking for almost two months now. Worse case scenario Dahvie is repulsed and kicks him out of the house and band. The only best case scenario he could think of is Dahvie shrugging it off and maybe setting some distance between the two for Jayy's sake. Dahvie smiled and waited patiently for Jayy to continue.

"Dahvie, what would you say if I told you that I... I may or may not have a... I have a..." He sighed in annoyance at the fact that he could not say it out loud. Dahvie tilted his head and looked at Jayy curiously. Dahvie smiled, understanding the situation or at least he thought he was.

"You like someone?" Jayy nodded as Dahvie kept a smile on his face even if he felt his heart break. Dahvie was happy Jayy found someone but he already had feelings for Jayy before they had been spending all day together, which only helped those feelings grow. "I'm happy for you Jayy" Dahvie whispered quietly so Jayy wouldn't hear "I hope the guy knows how lucky he is" With those finally words Dahvie whispered it gave Jayy hope and he tilted Dahvie's head up, looking into his best friend's eyes. Dahvie looked back into Jayy's while a light blush formed on his face. Jayy whispered as he leaned close to Dahvie.

"I'm glad he thinks that..." His eyes widened as he now realized Jayy has a crush on him. Dahvie closed the gap between them, pressing their lips together for a soft kiss. Jayy was shocked, he could not believe they were kissing and yet he was filled with joy. Jayy deepened the kiss as Dahvie pulled Jayy over him. Jayy was careful with Dahvie because he was afraid to hurt him but did not once break the kiss. His fingers were tangled in Dahvie's hair while Dahvie rested his hands on Jayy's hips. The two pulled away for air and neither could stop themselves from blushing as much as they were. "Wow..." Jayy managed to say as he admired the man in front of him, his best friend, his blood brother, the man he just kissed. Dahvie was in shock himself, he could not even begin to comprehend what just happened but he was content knowing it did. Dahvie had just kissed the man he never thought he would and yet he did, it happened, and Jayy even confessed his feelings for Dahvie, kind of.

"I did not ever think you would feel the same way" Jayy chuckled and kissed Dahvie's forehead. He could see the love in Jayy's eyes just like Jayy could see them in Dahvie's. Jayy continued to blush, his hair fell onto his face as he looked down at his best friend, and the smile on his face told Dahvie he was enjoying this moment just as much as himself.

"How could I not feel the same way?" Dahvie giggled and covered his mouth but Jayy gently moved his hand from his mouth. "Don't cover your beauty, I enjoy seeing your face just as much as I enjoy seeing you" Dahvie rolled his eyes and laid Jayy next to him on the hospital bed. It was cramped but the two were okay considering how close they had to be because of it. Jayy wrapped his arms around Dahvie's waist, cautious with anything on him.

"When we kissed on stage did you ever feel-"

"The electricity that goes through me as every thought of mine disappears but the thought of you and me up on that stage kissing" Dahvie's blush intensified as he looked up at Jayy who had a huge grin plastered on his face while staring off into space.

"Or how we fit perfectly like two puzzle pieces do when they come together" Dahvie gazed fondly at his best friend as they intertwined their fingers but Jayy could not hold back his laughter. Dahvie frowned as Jayy tried calming down his laughter. "I don't see how that was funny..." Jayy tried kissing Dahvie's cheek but he moved out of the way and managed to calm down.

"Come together" Dahvie blushed and shoved Jayy playfully as Jayy giggled.

"That's not what I meant!" Jayy was full on laughing again causing Dahvie to cross his arms and look away as his blush intensified at the thought. Jayy kissed his blush and turned Dahvie towards him.

"You have to admit it was funny" Dahvie nodded as he smiled at his best friend. Jayy kissed his cheeks and played with his hair. "I didn't expect you to feel the same but I'm happy you do" He wanted to kiss his best friend but they were comfortable in each other's arms. Dahvie wasn't going to wait like Jayy was so he pulled him close and kissed his best friend softly at first but the two proceeded to turn the tender kiss into a heated make out session. Jayy slid his hand under Dahvie's shirt, slowly moving it up his back, causing the older of the two to shiver in response. He fought Jayy's for dominance but lost although he did earned a quiet moan. The only thing in the mind of the two was each other and how the very moment felt so right. Dahvie couldn't wrap the thought of Jayy having feelings for him. Jayy on the other hand could not believe he was kissing his best friend without standing in the middle of the stage with a cheering crowd behind them at the very sight. However, neither one would trade this moment for the world, except the very detail of laying on a hospital bed and Dahvie having injuries. They pulled apart for air but couldn't help but smile at each other, each showing the pink tint upon their cheeks.

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