Chapter 17

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The train ride to the Capitol for the second time was more comfortable than Evelina had expected. She wasn't handcuffed, she wasn't shoved around by Peacekeepers, and she wasn't kicked for simply speaking. Coryo, however, was, and he also wasn't allowed to ride with her. In order for him to come, which took a lot of convincing, he was to be held in a separate part of the train with some other Peacekeepers. Evelina had to write a strongly worded later stating exactly what her conditions were.

Dear Dr. Volumnia Gaul, or to whoever this letter may concern,

I have agreed to make the journey back to the Capitol, under a few conditions. Firstly, Coriolanus Snow shall be given a full pardon to come home and go to University like originally planned. He will also accompany me on my trip there, and wherever else I may end up between now and then. His ideas for how to better Panem and the Games as a whole will be taken into consideration with Dr. Gaul. Lastly, my parents Haywood and Delora Sanders will remain in District 12 unharmed and safe, living the peaceful life they deserve. Thank you, for your consideration.

Sincerely, Your Victor

Her parents had been afraid that they would not take her sarcasm well, but Coryo assured her they just wanted a good show. She could probably curse them out and they would read it while drunk and laugh until they choked. The idea alone brought a scowl to Evelina's face.

"Better than your first train ride here, huh?"

Evelina looked to her left, where several Peacekeepers sat. One, however, was chuckling, while the others kept their solemn expressions. Is this all a joke to them? She wondered. Of course it was. They weren't being wronged over and over again. She responded with only a glare and silence. Turning back, she looked out the window. The world seemed to fly by as they went along the bumpy rail line, trees and bushes blurring past in an instant. After a while, they arrived to the city. It was just as gray as before, but there was a sense of excitement that wasn't there earlier. Last year's Victor had arrived. Evelina would be lying if she said she didn't feel sort of thrilled to be back. How many people from Districts get to see the city not once, but twice? Not many, anyone could tell you that. Most only go once, and end up buried there. Especially from 12. It's a sad thing, really.

But Evelina wasn't sad, she was angry. A silent rage consumed her as she stepped off of the train and saw Coryo being pushed around like some rebel. He wasn't scum. Evelina blinked. Did she think rebels were scum? No, that couldn't be. But perhaps being around someone like Coryo had changed her perspective. She shook her head; rebels were people, what did it matter it they have different values?

"Step right over here. Dean Highbottom will be escorting you to your living quarters after a brief tour," a Peacekeeper ordered, gun pointing forwards. Evelina walked until she was leaning against a wall. Coryo was dragged near her, but not close enough for them to see one another. She tensed as a Peacekeeper hit him. She couldn't see where but she sensed it had been the face. It's just until I can see the Dean, she thought. He'll be okay.

Soon, Highbottom came to collect her and Coryo, leading them to a large building known as the Academy. Evelina recognized this, she must have passed it on her walk to the arena the year prior.

"Here is where our dear Mr. Snow studied to become the glorious man he is now..." Mr. Highbottom's sarcasm did not go unnoticed, and Evelina had to clench her fists to refrain from punching him in the face. She sighed, smoothing her dress, and forced a smile.

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