Chapter 21

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"Tigris!" Coryo called. "Tigris, have you seen Evelina?" His cousin strode into the room, carrying a piece of shimmering fabric. She shook her head. Coryo fixed his hair in the mirror, and out of the corner of his eye, he saw Tigris give him an odd look. He raised a brow. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing," she smiled. But something was off with her smile. It was forced, for sure, but it looked almost painful too.

"She was supposed to meet me back at our place for dinner, but I haven't seen her since her little meltdown," he says. Tigris sighs, slumping into the chair at the kitchen table.

"It's because you don't respect her."

"What?" He asks.

"She would stay," she says, "if you respected her."

"I respect her plenty," he spat. "And what are you on about anyway? Where has she gone?" Silence. Coryo did not deserve silence. He slammed his hand on the table where she sat, suddenly feeling overcome with rage. "Where is she, Tigris?" His voice boomed throughout the house, shaking an old painting of a mountain on the wall.

Tigris shrunk into her seat, her eyes wide with fear. Still, she remained some composure. Enough, at least, to answer in a meek voice, "she left." Coryo stared at his cousin, dumbfounded.

"Where has she gone to?"

"Somewhere outside, away from here," Tigris responds. "She said she'd be back, though. Sometime..."

Coryo took a deep breath, his face growing hot with anger. "When is sometime?"

"I don't know!" She insists. "I'm sure she's just out for a long walk. She was still really upset from your argument earlier."

"It was hardly an argument," he scoffed. "Do you know where she went?"

Tigris rolled her eyes. "If I knew I would tell you."

But Coryo wasn't so sure she would. Then, he got a thought. There was only one place he could assume she would be at. A place where, for him, they fell in love. "I'll be back," he says as he throws a jacket over his clad back, practically sprinting out of the door.


Is this what being in love was like? If so, he wanted out of it right away. Still, he found himself running through the winding streets of Panem, soon ending up toward the edge of the city into the forest, where he retraced his steps to a familiar lake. Winter was quickly approaching, and he only realized this as he began to see his hot breath puffing out when he breathed. All of the leaves had almost fallen off, and the birds no longer sang their usual tunes of autumn. The first snowfall would be upon them soon.

He ran until he reached the lake, where he let out a sigh of relief at the sight of a young brunette crouched over a pile of berries. "Evelina!"

The girl looked up. Her face was damp with tears, and her cheeks a splotchy pink. "Coriolanus." She stood up slowly, her knees shaking, struggling to get up. When she straightened out Coryo saw the full picture of her. And God, she was right. She did look different. She was frail, skinnier than usual, and a shade as white as snow. Bones poked out in not-quite-right ways, and her clothes were baggy on her. She looked sad, heartbroken almost, and a twinge of guilt stabbed him.

"Evelina," he says again, this time with a regretful tone. "What happened to you?" In his gut he knew he did this to her, but he couldn't possible admit it now.

"I have to go home," she whispers, her voice cracking. "I'm so tired. I can't stay here." He approached her slowly, his hands outstretched. She felt like an innocent deer being approached by a starving wolf who was ready to dig its teeth into her neck.

"What do you mean?" He asks. He reaches her and takes her hand in his. She flinches, but immediately gives in. Her other hand remained deep within her pocket. She was shivering. She must be freezing, he thought, so he wrapped his jacket around her pale shoulders. "You don't have to leave."

"But I do," she insists, "I'm not made for this life. You know it more than anyone." He did know, but he can't imagine his life without her now. He was too attached. He needed her like the moon needs the sun. A contrast of night and day, of personalities, but it kept the world turning. She was his sun. She kept his world turning. He can't let go of her.

"Evelina," he says, his tone firm and demanding, "you have to stay. I need you to stay. Imagine the world we'll create."

"That's your world! Look at me," she gestures to her appearance, "I cant even last a few days here. It's ruined me." He winced at her choice of wording.

"This is how I was raised," he whispers. "This is my life. I thought you would understand that."

"And I want to," she says, cupping the side of his face with a shaking hand. "I want to understand you, but it simply can't be done." Simply can't be done. That kind of talk he could expect from Casca Highbottom, maybe even his father, if he were still living. But Evelina Fay? His Evelina Fay? How dare she? How dare she come into his home, and judge his emotions? This, he knew, is why he stayed closed off. Clearly love was just a distraction, something to keep him from his true ambition. He hated her, hated her!

Oh, but how he loved her so. Her perfectly round lips, hazel eyes that now held so much sadness, ebony hair that flowed like the prettiest river. And her spirit, her hope. Maybe that was what was most attractive about her. Yes, that must be it. She was full of hope. A dangerous, forbidden thing.

"I... I don't even know what to say," he finally says, defeated. Lies. All lies. But how else could he get her to stay?

Evelina felt guilty now. "I'm sorry." Coryo may have looked sad, but he was more furious than anything. How could she leave? Where would she go? Back to District 12? Where the poor, filthy coal miners slave away? Impossible. She'd have to stay.

"The Games are done," he adds, giving a half-smile. "Mags won. You were right."

At this she brightened up. "I knew it! I knew it."

He nodded, chuckling. Then, his face hardened. "So it's all over now. It's done with." Then, when she doesn't responds he adds, "do you know what this means?"

"No," she shook her head.

"It's safe to stay with me. You don't have to leave. We can be together. Forever."

She paused. "Oh." She sighs as he leans down to place a soft kiss on her frozen cheek. Her free hand rests on his chest, but her other stays hidden beneath her dress pocket. Finally, she smiles a sad smile and nods her head. "Okay," she whispers.

"Okay?" He checks, eyebrows raised.

"Okay. I'll stay with you." He grins and kisses her, the warmth from his lips immediately sending a shiver down her spine. He turns to leave, and she follows.

"What were those berries for?" He asks.

"Hm? Oh, I was just hungry," she lies. Nightlock, they were nightlock. Possibly one of the deadliest berries out there. What was she going to do with them? Even she didn't know.

"Yum," he laughs, and she reciprocates.

The boy believes he has won. He strides his way back to the Capitol, a smirk plastered on his face the entire way. The girl, however, managed to successfully conceal the pointed knife she had hidden in her pocket the entire time. She has won this battle. But who could possibly win the war?

"hide me like robes down the back road
muddy these webs we weave"

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