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I have no one to blame by myself for the pain that I feel every day. The feeling of being unappreciated and constantly disrespected. The overall feeling of not being loved by the one I love the most

That's all I've been feeling daily for the last 6 months. My boyfriend Kelz isn't the same person I fell in love with. But it is even knowing that I can't seem to break up with him. I've grown too attached to him. The fear of being without him is what's keeping me here.

We've been together for 5 years. We started dating when I was 17 and he was 19. We are now 22 & 24 and I've grown a lot but he hasn't changed.

I just graduated from college, and he didn't want to attend college. Nothing wrong with that be he had no plans for himself but I looked past that because I trusted that he knew what he had envisioned for himself.

When I was at school I constantly was making time for, checking if he was okay even if I had a stressful day. Making time to cook for him and keep our apartment clean. If he needed me to take him somewhere or go with him somewhere I did just that. And what did I get in return, nothing. Not even a simple thank you.

Even when he cheated I forgave him and believed him when he said he wouldn't do it again. But that was a lie because he did do it again. The second time I forgave him again because once again I believed the words he said to me. Like a fool and third time oh he doesn't even know I know about that.

But you know that quote that goes "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me."

Yeah, shame on me because I should have known better but I let the love that I have for him cloud my decisions.

Kelz used to be so sweet and caring with me but it seems like I've just become a maid to him over time. Like I'm just there to do things for him. He doesn't take me on dates anymore, doesn't show me any affection, and we barely sleep in the same bed anymore.

He barely makes time for me and when he does it because I have to ask him. Then he treats me as if I ruined his day. Like he rather be anywhere but around me.

When I bring up what I'm feeling he diminishes me. He makes me feel like I'm less. He calls me "dramatic" and says that I'm "acting like a baby" all because I wanna talk with my boyfriend about the way he treats me.

I look at the clock and see it's almost 7:45 pm so I know Kelz will be home soon. Especially since he texted me earlier and told me what time he would be here.

Dinner is done but 8 but Kelz isn't here. I text him asking where he's at but I get no response. I still dish dinner up thinking he's just running a little late. I set the food and drink and wait for him.

An hour passes and he's still not home. I texted him once again but no response. Taking a deep breath I continue to wait, staring at my food.

It's past midnight when I hear the front door opening. I shake my head trying to keep myself calm. This man is unbelievable.

I wait patiently for him to walk into the dining area and when he does I can smell the weed and alcohol coming off him. I look him in the eyes fed up with him.

"You blew me off to go smoke and drink with your friends again. You told me you would be home at 7:45 but yet you weren't. Unbelievable. "

"I went to a party Madison. Why are you upset?"

"Why am I upset? You did not just ask me why I'm upset that my boyfriend blew me off and went to a party when he told me he was coming home at a specific time."

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