Kentrell sat slumped to the right in his chair as he tapped his pencil against his open textbook, thinking deeply, that fucking poster flashing across his mind, as it had been all morning, over and over.
~Sadie fucking Hawkins-
Now, granted fucking wasn't on the poster, but it was whenever Kentrell thought of it. That giant poster displayed at the entrance of the school built up rage and dread in his stomach because that meant there was a dance coming up.
But what had him particularly perturbed was that there were new rules to this turnaround dance. Yes, the girls in the school can ask what boy they want to dance.
But there's the extra added piece to that if the boy who is asked doesn't want to accept the invitation from the girl who asked him, that boy can turn around and ask who he wants to the dance with the same invitation. So it's still as if the girl is indirectly asking someone to dance.
Kentrell was upset about this added rule because he knew, he just knew, that the vile boys in this school were going to use that additional rule to fuck with her, and he didn't want to hear them being mean to her. He already has to deal with hearing how badly everyone talks about her, and seeing her gorgeous face is so sad. Even if she hides it well, fucks with him.
"Hey, dude, teacher's coming?"
Kentrell sat up, and busier himself as the teacher came by. He was hard at work trying to come up with different plans to get her to avoid ridicule. But most of his ideas were utterly terrible. He scratched out the last idea he wrote down, deciding to erase it instead of crossing it out, that is, until Benjamin took his notebook from on top of his textbook."What homework you're doing? I didn't know we had to-do lists. What subject is this for? Was it the day I missed?" Benjamin rambled as he retrieved his homework pad, where he writes all his homework for each day, searching through it frantically as he stole glances at Ken's notebook.
Kentrell slowly patted his friend's back as he slid his notebook out of his grasp,
"No, dude, relax. This is something else. It's personal."
Ken could see Ben physically relax.
"Personal like what? If you don't mind?"Ken contemplated if he should tell him or not but then he thought well maybe he would have some ideas since he couldn't seem to come up with anything at the moment.
Ken slid his notebook back over to his friend, quietly explaining what the scratched-off list meant and his problem.
"Hmm, that is a conundrum."
Kentrell nodded as he slipped back into his previous position, pencil again tapping away his pencil being joined by his friend as the two began tapping in succession.