Season 1: Chapter 1 - The Brothers

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Sounds of lightsabers cutting through flesh and bone fill the area. Nicaraguan police are getting cut down by two red lightsabers until there is none left. The final police officer falling in front of a figure. Alejandro DeSantos. He deactivates his lightsaber.

Alejandro: That was almost too easy. When is father sending us on a real mission! Ramon: Easy Alej. He's probably just testing us. Alejandro: I've given two years of my life to this cartel without as so much as a thanks. Ramon: We all have, let's just take it easy for a bit, yeah?

Ramon walks away to his car.

Alejandro: Yeah...

Alejandro walks after him.

Nicaragua. 1990.

They drive through the streets of Managua. Innocent civilians are walking around, going about there day. Narcos are among them, intermingling.

They arrive at their compound, a large and wide one story manor. They enter the main chambers, which is a large, spacious room with an altar with a large viewing window overlooking the city in the far end of the room. Their father, Carlos DeSantos, is on the altar, looking away from them, towards the city, hands behind his back. Alejandro and Ramon approach him.

Ramon: Father the-- Carlos: Kneel when you speak to me boy.

Ramon and Alejandro look at each other, Alejandro looking annoyed

Ramon: Of course, sorry father.

They both kneel

Ramon: The reservoir is ours. Carlos: Pablo Escobar has been making moves on our territory. We can't let it continue, we need to push him out. I trust you know what I mean. Ramon: Yes father. Carlos: Why are you still here then?

Alejandro and Ramon look at each other. They walk out to leave, but Alejandro looks at Carlos with murderous intent. In the halls of the manor, Alejandro catches up with Ramon while they walk to the car.

Alejandro: Can you believe that? He just sent us on another mission without a care in the world. Ramon: We're all apart of this cartel, he's just being the boss. Alejandro: He didn't even look at us! He doesn't see us as anything more than his personal assassins.

Ramon stops walking while Alejandro continues

Ramon: You know that's not true! We're still his sons.

Alejandro stops and turns back towards him.

Alejandro: Are we?

Alejandro continues walking while Ramon ponders. Later they're parked inside the city.

Alejandro: I can't believe you defend him. Ramon: Really? I'm just-- I'm trying to keep this family together Alejandro! You see how mom and dad are, everyday they're fighting! How do you think that makes me feel, especially for Raul? Alejandro: Come on, you know there's no helping, Carlos. Ramon: Our father. Alejandro: Yeah, I forget, New Years, Christmas, going to the beach, family gatherings, I remember doing all that stuff. Ramon: You know what I mean.

Ramon sees two men dealing.

Ramon: That guy over there, he's not one of ours. Alejandro: He's one of Escobar's come on.

Ramon drives up to the dealer.

Ramon: Que onda? Dealer: Fuck!

The dealer runs away. Ramon gives chase in his car so the dealer runs down an alley. Ramon stops the car.

Ramon: Go, I'll go around!

Alejandro gets out of the car and follows him while Ramon drives away. Alejandro chases him through the alley. They jump a fence into a dead end. Alejandro draws his gun.

Alejandro: Don't move!

The dealer turns to look at him with his hands up.

Alejandro: If it was any other day you would've been dead minutes ago but I need you to pass a message to Pablo. This is our territory and we're not going to give it up to him! Dealer: Why don't you tell him yourself?

Clapping is heard so Alejandro looks to the source of the sound and sees Pablo Escobar. He shifts his aim towards him

Pablo: Alejandro DeSantos, I have to say that was quite a show. I'm not here to fight or kill you, I come demanding an audience with your father, Carlos. Alejandro: What makes you think I'd do that? Pablo: Why not? After all, business is business is it not?

Alejandro lowers his gun. Sometime later, they're back at their compound. Pablo and Carlos are sitting.

Pablo: Thank you for meeting, I wasn't sure if you would accept. Carlos: You have five minutes, or I'll have Alejandro and Ramon kill you where you stand. Pablo: Be careful with your words, Carlos. I come here to give you a chance, not to fight! Carlos: A chance for what? Pablo: A chance to make a difference in the war on extradition.

Carlos let's out a small laugh.

Carlos: You think I care about your war? It's not my fault Murphy and Peña are breathing down your neck! You're a walking heat magnet. Pablo: That's why I'm coming to you with this proposition. A syndicate consisting of the biggest cartels in the world working together to end extradition and make money without anyone to stop us.

Carlos thinks.

Carlos: And your "friends," in the Cali cartel, Pacho and Don Chepe Santa Cruz, did they agree to this proposition of yours? Pablo: Armies aren't built overnight, Carlos. Once they see that you're on board, it shouldn't take long to get them to agree.

Elsewhere, Ramon and Alejandro are talking.

Ramon: We need to keep this away from Raul. Alejandro: Keep what? Ramon: This, this, all of it! The family business. I didn't want you roped up in all of this either but you know how father is. Look, you don't have to like him but please, let's just try to keep him away from Raul. Alejandro:...Okay.

Carlos and Pablo walk out.

Pablo: Time is all I ask for, we will make entire countries kneel to us! Carlos: I need to see results first. Get Pacho and Don chepe on board and then we could continue to discuss business. Pablo: Of course.

Pablo leaves the compound in his car as Carlos looks at him with a look of anticipation.

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